In oakland from Covid. We have worked around that though. Bus routes for new schools such as state center. No onsite students except lab attendees. Buses are limited to only ten passengers due to Covid. Jensen/Willow area has not been sorted out yet.
Laying off anyone. But now we can’t apply for SAFER at all. Chavez : we are understaffed. This conversation is happening because trust between administration and Council. Not interested in
Reinvest PD budget into community. Ask Dyer to decline his salary and invest it into community. Marisela : 185 million to PD shows we need to reimagine
From the hood. We need to defund the police. Invest in advance peace. Invest in us.
Fresno already does most. Permanently banning choke hold Hall would like further discussion on that. Hall has Been Chief since August. Soria: what legacy will you leave? Hall: our