225. QDrop 3775 has Q declare "The great awakening" and then nothing happens. Seems like Q likes to fire up the troops by shouting empty slogans now and again.
226. QDrop 3784 gives us a chart of events that promises that the "Slow drip" of Q is about to become a "Flood". We get neither a drip nor a flood.
227. QDrop 3792 has Q hyping the Yellow Vest movement as part of the Great Awakening. The weekend protests continue apace with nothing changing. France and the world remain asleep.
228. QDrop 3809 claims the Supreme Court will hear a case about the legality of the impeachment charges against President Trump. This doesn't happen because it's not how our government works.
229. QDrop 3831 promises that those who plotted against Trump will be severely punished for their transgressions. The Cabal remains free.
230. QDrop 3835 is going after Hunter Biden because that's political gold baby! Hunter remains a pretty anonymous failson and Biden continues to dominate in the polls.
231. QDrop 3853 declares that post impeachment the Democrats will be swiftly and totally crushed. They remain uncrushed as of this tweet.
232. QDrop 3861 repeats the "Flood" narrative from before. Q loves to promise big things and then never pay them off.
233. QDrop 3380 declares that QAnon is now ready for The Storm. Sadly The Storm isn't ready so we're going to have to wait a bit longer for it to show up.
234. QDrop 3884 attacks Patten Oswalt again because that's a thing Q enjoys doing. Q's fury and the power of The Storm mean that this blood drinking, Moloch worshiping child butcher remains free.
235. QDrop 3900 has Q freaking out about a declaration of martial law. He doesn't notice this was from the Civil War and was signed by Abe Lincoln. We really need a better Super Secret Spy running the operation to save the world.
236. QDrop 3902 is Jim Watkins yelling at Austin Steinbart. Yes the fate of the world hangs in the balance as two mentally ill grifters get into a pissing contest over who gets to rip people off while using the "Q" brand to do so.
237. QDrop 3917 has Q freak out and think that an edgelord Vegan Facebook page and a ancient joke website are places where cannibalism is being promoted in earnest because Q has no understanding of satire or the use of shocking imagines/ideas to promote discussion.
238. More later. May Shirley watch over us all.
239. QDrop 3921 says that the whole FISA business will be the start of The Storm. Previously FISA was supposed to 'bring the house down' it is both the Alpha and the Omega of QAnon.
240. QDrop 3956 goes into the woo nonsense about hidden cures to all that ails us and suggests HCQ is one of these treatments. HCQ is not a cure all for COVID19 no matter how much Q wants it to be.
241. QDrop 4001 declares that Twitter's DM's being screwed up for a few hour was proof of the might of The Storm. Truly the power of QTeam is terrifying to behold.
242. QDrop 4004 lists off another front of The Silent War as in-game chat has been disabled, giving the Cabal a near-fatal blow.
243. QDrop 4013 promotes the Tara Reade claims against Joe Biden. QTeam failed to vet Reade and her story implodes and now she might be indicted for perjury for lying about her credentials as an expert witness in various trials.
244. QDrop 4016 hypes up the Seth Rich conspiracy again because Q will never let anything go. Q wakes up every morning debating which dead horse he's going to beat.
245. QDrop 4076 explains that Trump had to let the Deep State kill over 100,000 people with COVID-19 so that he could finally get the public to see the truth about the Cabal's plans to use COVID-19 to take over the world.
246. QDrop 4100 is something Thomas Jefferson never said.
247. QDrop 4133 claims that Congress remained out of session for non COVID reasons and big BOOMS were about to happen. It will not shock you to find out that Booms Never Happen.
248. QDrop 4146 has Trump giving the order to drain The Swamp. The Swamp remains marshy and undrained.
249. QDrop 4211 declares that Q is ready to unleash hell. He might be ready to do so, but he is also incapable of doing so.
250. QDrop 4229 has an insanely fake blue D5 on it that Q tries to pass off as real. His followers buy it because they enjoy being lied to.
251. Shirley is fed up with all this nonsense.
• • •
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I'll start with his guns. The Mannlicher-Carcano rifle was purchased by via mail order along with a .38 caliber handgun. Oswald also got a telescopic sight for his rifle. We know the mail order box the guns were shipped to and that Oswald obtained them using a fake name.
We know Oswald had these weapons because he has his wife Marina photograph him with them. The Warren Commission, HSCA, and many other investigations into the photos has found them to be authentic. farid.berkeley.edu/downloads/publ…
Everything in the right wing is about selling you on a false hope and then luring you into a life of misery. Everything in the various subcultures they have created is designed to isolate you into that subculture and make the misery it inflicts on you your identity. 🧵
QAnon makes you hate everything. Movies, Music, TV, sports, it all sucks, it's all run by the Deep State. Your only enjoyment is seeing Trump on TV and consuming media as an ARG to see the hidden messages Trump is sending you.
The whining about woke video games means gamers can't enjoy games cause they are bad now because Aloy is ugly, Harriet Tubman was a myth made up by Union Propagandists and female Witchers are totally unacceptable.
The "Hamster wheel of outrage" is a term I use to describe how the right wing works tirelessly to keep their audience upset and angry at The Other. Yesterday Harris wasn't Black. Today a woman fighter is a man. Tomorrow will be something else to get upset over. 🧵
Before QAnon even existed there was this automated page on Facebook with some generic right wing name like "Patriot News" and it would post the same 50 or so articles with slightly different headlines every 4 hours and get so many ragebait clicks. It was low effort and effective.
I had to see the same story about Sikh's being being called Muslims and "Muslims getting special treatment in our military. DO YOU ACCEPT THIS?!" As a headline. Once in a blue moon there would be an article celebrating a conservative but it was 95% ragebait.
We open with Outlaw reassuring his audience that the God Emperor isn’t scared of Harris, he will both engage her and defeat her when the time is right….but! 🧵
Well there is some pesky belief that the Dem Elites are going to replace Harris at the DNC. This belief is “widespread and credible” according to him.
You might be shocked to hear that since all this talk about Hillary swooping in and being the nominee is only talked about in QAnon/Alex Jones level right wing grifter circles, but that’s where Outlaw lives and his friends wouldn’t lie to him, right?
The folks that bought into "JFK" and have spent decades screaming about how the CIA killed Kennedy have now shifted to blaming Israel for killing JFK. This shows you how unserious these people are.
The whole premise of "JFK" was that the government had to have killed Kennedy because the cover-up was so massive only the government could do it. Killing Oswald, the sham autopsy, the Warren Commission, ect ect. required resources that The Mob or Anti-Castro Cubans didn't have.
A hostile foreign power killing the President would have been uncovered. A fledgling nation just trying to get it's feet under it murdering the head of state of the most powerful nation on earth would be a suicidal course of action.
There are three Grand Unifying Conspiracy Theories that have traction in America today. The Illuminati, QAnon, and what I call MAGAnon. I will explain How these theories are all similar and what makes them different in this thread.
The Illuminati is the belief that the world is run by a shadowy group of bad people and that we're all basically screwed. Maybe God will step in and save us, but we can't count on it. This is what the guy who set himself on fire at the Trump Trial believed in.
QAnon believes everything the Illuminati believes in, only it introduced protagonists to the story. Q, Donald Trump, and the Patriots became a countering force working to defeat the Illuminati, now rebranded as the Deep State, and save the world from them.