I see it written into the language of The Indian Act, language from the 1800's which carries that mentality forward.
I see it in the unspoken tradition of high fives from a couple of backbenchers when UNDRIP is voted down. Yet again.
It's celebrated.
I see it in the Federal Government going back seven times to fight Indigenous Children in court rather than do their due diligence.
I see it in the retired Decades Old Bureaucrat from The Prime Ministers Office who blocked me immediately when I asked about policy.
Regardless of the Prime Minister, there is some continuity and that is the PMO.
I see it in the history of the Department of Indian Affairs Portfolio that was held by The Department of Mines of Resources (1936-1950) then Citizenship right after that.
I see it in the frontline workers such as MCFD's Social Workers utilizing Birth Alerts.
Baby H was 90 minutes old and it was a C-Section that does require the Mom to be in the OR and Recovery for at least two hours.
I see it in the presence of the RCMP when Social Workers do their Investigation and Intake.
The RCMP carry on that tradition still of taking children away from their Families.
I see it in the teenagers left alone in hotel rooms who choose to commit suicide to escape Canada's "care".
I see it in the teachers who have learned and now teach the ethnocentric history according to manifest destiny.
High Learning especially is quite adept at Gatekeeping and Theses that challenge their #FauxAuthority never go anywhere or are labeled negatively.
I see it in the notion that all Indigenous Peoples from Infants to Elders are Wards of The Government that need to be taken care of.
The White Savior mentality is thick here.
From Womb To Tomb.
I see it in the push back on the Truth & Reconciliation, MMIWG Reports & outright denial of genocide.
This is a part of the narrative that denies genocide and tries to explain it away. To lessen it because 3rd degree murder is better than 2nd degree murder. Apparently.
I see it in the fact that the Priests and Nuns that ran those residential schools abused and murdered children and there was what, maybe one priest who faced justice?
They got away with their crimes. The Doctrine of Discovery?
I see it in the Culture of rape that exists around our #StolenSisters and MMIWG, a culture that has always been a side effect of colonization.
Always. That colonial mindset is what gets our Sisters killed.
I see it in the deaths of:
- The Jack Family
- Colten Bushie
- Tina Fontaine
- Rodney Levi
- Chantel Moore
- Regis Korchinski Paquet
...and the aggressive arrests of so many this past two weeks and hundred years...to name but only a few.
I see it in all the Police Custody Deaths that did not get attention let alone Justice.
So yes.
in response to the question of whether I see Systemic Racism in Canada. Yes.
I might have to keep adding to this because I see it every damn day. Like today (June16/2020)...
I see it in the gesture of a white politician "brushing off" a Politician of Color's comments and then seeing the POC being removed from the HOC for "Decorum".
I see it in the ER's where a diabetic Indigenous Person is turned away for being "drunk" and they don't survive.
It's in the healthcare system, the judicial system, the education system...
So #Resign is trending in regard to the Crown–Indigenous Relations Min. Carolyn Bennett who stated in public that she will wear orange and STILL celebrate a Country "that MADE some very terrible mistakes."
Hooboy this might be a thread or just a couple of tweets but...
She stated that she will wear orange and still celebrate Canada in the very same statement that suggests that "mistakes were made".
Now the Sitting Prime Minister of Canada is no shining example when it comes to any credibility when it comes to as he put it, "Our most important relationship" with Indigenous but he is still the PM.
Read this article. It is well written and while genocide deniers will find fault in it, that is them. Like the media of those days and today, they have a Narrative that they want to protect.
The Narrative of their exceptionalism. Fear is what drove them, it still does.