1/ I'm committed to promoting equity in medical education. Reading this article in NEJM today encourages us all to reflect and #DoTheWork. These last few sentences are particularly powerful.
2/ "Standardized exams can be the great equalizers they are purported to be only if everyone has access to the resources required to excel on them. Otherwise, they remain markers of generations of unequal opportunities for underrepresented students...."
3/ "...Ultimately, physicians’ skill and quality are defined by the care they provide to patients over the span of a career — a value that no three digit test score can anticipate."
1/ Your team just saw a patient with syphilis, and you're ready to teach, but:
Resident #1: on week 2 of their rotation
👉 Has already seen 2 patients w/ syphilis
Resident #2: started today
👉 Hasn't seen a single patient with syphilis
What should you do now?
2/ Unfortunately, learners on our team may miss teaching that occurs during the rotation for multiple reasons.
3/ As @VarunPhadke2 previously pointed out, all learners on the team are usually not present all day, every day for the entire time we are on clinical services.