1. Have you ever heard the expression "The lunatics have taken over the asylum"? In your case, it's the children who

You're asking if you should listen to your students about what they should read? The answer is simple
You're basically asking how you should indoctrinate them. That's not your job. There is
From a personal perspective, I was a devout
2. "Black voices". What is this nonsense? First of all, it is, by definition, racist. You think individuals
3. Literature is colour blind. You are
Let's look at the content of a book, not the character of its author. Are you telling your students not to study Shakespeare or
Why are you coddling them into what they already believe?
4. Systemic racism
You have the audacity to say this is grounded in "a canon
What is systemic racism? As a brown man who's lived in England, Scotland, Sweden, Australia, Spain, Norway and spent much time in US, I am yet to
5. What's microaggressions?
How do you identify it? Simply based on what
The Bottom Line:
Overall, you are under the delusion that all black people think the same way, simply
You are coddling your students, when you should be challenging them. If they are socialists, you should confront them with Hayek, Friedman and Adam Smith.
If they're capitalists, you should have them read Marx and
You're not doing them any favours by making them feel safe intellectually, when in reality, they should feel challenged and exposed.
You are failing your students.