1) Says predecessor committed “treason”
2) Says former national security adviser should “go to jail” over book...
3) ... which reported president corruptly uses foreign policy to benefit campaign…
5) DOJ tried to pulp book, and leaked that it might prosecute the author.
6) New head of VOA purged chiefs of four US-funded news outlets, replaced bipartisan oversight board with Trump political appointees.
8) Trump threatened protestors who might show up at rally...
9) ...and asks why opposition party "allowed to make" "fake and fraudulent ads."
11) President’s son does social media post in support of pro-regime conspiracy theorists
12) Trump: mail-in ballots will result in “RIGGED ELECTION”
14) ...president retweets race-war posts...
15) ...and calls for 10-year prison terms for vandalism of statues.