174 deaths-EXCEPT there are another casual 109 on top that seem to have been “overlooked. ‼️283 deaths
Then we come to the fake test data @UKSTATS. C 50k people swabbed
Nothing like 237k tests claimed
Where do they come from?
This is ON TOP of another 50k last week. ⁉️
3k historical correction to Pillar 1.
Come on @UKStatsAuth
874 positives. As a % of what ?

And still no regional and postcode data to GPs and local PH teams on pillar 2 test WITH TIMESCALES. Date test request to full result.
You will see the gap between the DHSC death data (Black) and the ONS COVID E&W ( so even without a Scotland and NI) death data (yellow) remains large.
Let alone excess deaths.
31.5k people in England in the high transmission window & 63k in the infection transmission window
That’s about 5 times the number of positives claimed today in the daily DHSC release.