Torture has a long and sordid History in Kenya. From the British Colonialists to the present day!
@IMLU_org @HakiKNCHR @MutemiWaKiama @Maskani254
Many died, many were irreversibly damaged. Where is their Justice?
@IMLU_org @MutemiWaKiama @Maskani254



Those that survived were never the same. 😪
@IMLU_org @MutemiWaKiama @Maskani254

@IMLU_org @MutemiWaKiama @Maskani254
@IMLU_org @MutemiWaKiama…
Well, this article was documented in 2016 and many are still awaiting recognition.
@IMLU_org @MutemiWaKiama
In the late 1980s & 1990s, dozens of political prisoners were tortured in a notorious prison below Nyayo House. Some died. The tortures took place under Daniel arap Moi, who ruled with an increasingly heavy hand.
The prisoners were held for weeks without being charged in dank, cramped cells.
#SupportLifeAfterTorture @MutemiWaKiama
#SupportLifeAfterTorture @IMLU_org
They would release either extremely cold or hot air & dust
Their feet were always submerged in water. #SupportLifeAfterTorture @IMLU_org
#SupportLifeAfterTorture @IMLU_org…
The scale of the operation was eventually so large that it couldn’t be contained completely and locals would swear that even the air around the building was sodden with the stench of death.
#SupportLifeAfterTorture @IMLU_org
#SupportLifeAfterTorture @IMLU_org
#SupportLifeAfterTorture @IMLU_org
#SupportLifeAfterTorture @IMLU_org @MutemiWaKiama @Maskani254

#SupportLifeAfterTorture @IMLU_org @MutemiWaKiama @Maskani254

The Law must not be applied selectively.
@IMLU_org @MutemiWaKiama @Maskani254

#SupportLifeAfterTorture @IMLU_org @MutemiWaKiama

#SupportLifeAfterTorture @IMLU_org @MutemiWaKiama

#SupportLifeAfterTorture @IMLU_org @MutemiWaKiama @Maskani254

#SupportLifeAfterTorture @IMLU_org @MutemiWaKiama

#SupportLifeAfterTorture @IMLU_org @MutemiWaKiama

#SupportLifeAfterTorture @IMLU_org @MutemiWaKiama

#SupportLifeAfterTorture @IMLU_org @MutemiWaKiama

Injustice anywhere remains a threat to justice everywhere.
#SupportLifeAfterTorture @MutemiWaKiama @IMLU_org

Your main culprits are those tasked to protect you. They are your greatest tormentors. The irony!
@Ayielar @IMLU_org @MutemiWaKiama

#SupportLifeAfterTorture @IMLU_org @MutemiWaKiama @Ayielar

#SupportLifeAfterTorture @IMLU_org @MutemiWaKiama @Ayielar

#SupportLifeAfterTorture @IMLU_org @MutemiWaKiama @Ayielar

#SupportLifeAfterTorture @IMLU_org

Torture seeks to annihilate the victim’s personality and denies the inherent dignity of the human being.
Hold your Thirikari to account ALWAYS and in ALL WAYS. Perpetrators must pay. Reparations are due!
@IMLU_org @MutemiWaKiama