It’s impossible to argue that the modern Left still believes that. And that’s a problem.
Was that idea lived up to? Of course not. Has it been fully realized even today? No. But the idea always undergirded the American experience.
To me, that’s the core of American pride - not history (although ours is enviable) & not the people (ditto history). The impulse to improve.
But on a fundamental level, the playing field was largely constrained.
I don’t think that’s true anymore. The modern Left has walked away from this shared belief.
America, insofar as it is an ideal, is one that not only HAS never but CAN never live up to its founding principles within its current form.
It, along with other sins going back to our founding, become indelible stains on the American idea, with no forgiveness on offer.
And so what does the modern left do? Self-flagellate. Beg for forgiveness. Insist that we must fundamentally reimagine America.
That, to me, is our present challenge: how do we move forward when one party has abandoned the unique hope of America.
I wish I had some answer to all this. I don’t. It’s devastating. And maybe, if unchecked, fatal to the American experiment.
I believe in America, and don’t want to be part of a movement that doesn’t.