Thread: Why is Richmond city councilwoman and mayoral candidate Kim Gray’s daughter tweeting from one or more sock-puppet twitter accounts that exist primarily to platform a conspiracy-peddling and visibly mentally ill livestreamer? 1/44
I can’t answer this question. I can only explain why I am asking it. You'll also see why this is coming from a throwaway account -- I'm kicking a hornets' nest. Too rowdy for main. (Link to all receipts in bio and in final tweet.) 2/44
Facebook user Kiajuana Hill, AKA Monet Mayhem, reposts Breitbart/Qanon nonsense and creates her own content, primarily in the form of shaky live videos and incendiary caps-lock/emoji punctuated rants. Her page is mind-numbingly propagandistic. 3/44
In Monet’s world, being anti-white-supremacy and standing for BLM calls for all out pro-police patriotism. She has tried to establish a reputation as the only legit black voice of #BlackLivesMatter in Richmond. 4/44
Then she turns around shills for donations in reactionary pro-police facebook groups full of Confederate flag-wavers who are delighted to put a black face on their own seething hatred of anteefa commie f******s (Monet’s slur of choice). 5/44
She posts two kinds of videos: ones where she is on the ground at Richmond protests harassing anyone wearing too much black and muttering to herself about government-sponsored terrorist cells, and heavily-filtered front-facing camera monologues dispatched from her bedroom.
On stream, she'll follow people, grab people, and rip people's masks off. Like many streamers, she refuses to put the phone away even when she is told she is endangering Black lives.

She recently bragged about turning over the entire contents of her phone to RPD.
Her big thing is the supposed hijacking of BLM by the KKK/antifa (which in her incomprehensible worldview are the same thing), tempered with a bizarre mixture of ‘fuck 12’ street wisdom and ‘I’m telling’ snitch shit. 8/44
Her fans, primarily middle-aged white women who still use facebook (actually it’s ‘pink,’ please, not ‘white’; a rhetorical move that confuses more than clarifies) are eating this up: her small army of Karen-ass “Top Fans” dox and harass anyone who points out that perhaps... 9/44
...she should stop fucking reaching out to and cooperating with the police if she doesn’t want to be identified as an informant. 10/44
She’s gotten into it with several casual critics in the comments sections, which carries over into cringe-inducing take-down videos showcasing your standard schoolyard bully’s repertoire of bigoted insults — much to the delight of her deep-in-the-counties viewership. 11/44
She hates Richmond Bail Fund, a volunteer-run and donation-fueled resource freely available to all who are arrested and cannot afford to pay bail, which covers the expenses associated with arrest & has prevented hundreds of Richmonders from being imprisoned without trial. 12/44
Why does she hate it? Because it is taking business away from the bail bondsmen that, according to her, actually value and serve the black community. (She was also upset that a payday loans spot on Broad got its windows smashed back in May.) 13/44
“What about the loansharks?” aside, the other problem Monet has with the bail fund is that it puts those pesky outside agitators who are merely pretending to care about protesting back out on the streets, rather than in lockup where they belong.
If she wasn't constantly on video saying this shit, I would be suspicious that the account actually belonged to a middle-aged MAGA troll. Kek/Pepe/Guy Fawkes types looove her, and I wouldn't be surprised if 4chan is already all over this. 15/44
She posts occasionally about mental health diagnoses, exhibits some paranoid/narcissistic delusions, and believes, for example, that the government is implanting chips in people who get tested for covid, which provides some perspective. 16/44
She keeps getting a lot of traction talking about white out-of-towners fucking up ‘our neighborhoods’ despite the fact that (a) the Fan is majority upper-middle class/white and Monument Avenue is lined with some of the most expensive houses in Richmond; 17/44
(b) despite constantly checking people on where they're from, Monet does not live in the city of Richmond and does not seem to have spent much time here -- she does not know what Oregon Hill is; 18/44
and (c) no one is fucking with anyone’s homes other than the police with their dust clouds -- the only property damaged recently has been memorials to slave-masters, empty police cruisers, and a fucking Starbucks window. 19/44
///// So okay wait, all that sucks, but what about city councilwoman and mayoral candidate Kim Gray?, you ask. This is where it gets weird. 20/44
Up until early June, Monet was facebook-only. This is no surprise — her whole shitshow is suited to facebook & she has mentioned that she doesn’t know how to use twitter. But on June 17, @.MayhemMonet appeared, incomprehensible caps-lock clusterfuck and all. 21/44
What piqued my interest was what accompanied her on her new platform: a half dozen ‘orbiter’ accounts, mostly created in May or June 2020, that function only to retweet Miss Mayhem, complain about outside agitation, and follow/retweet each other. 22/44
These accounts claim to be Black Richmonders. @.JacksonWard2020 - @.BLACKRICHMOND99 - @.SaadeSeshat - @.Sweet6wonderful - just to name the most active few. 23/44
(@.ChaosRVA and @.okidokiyani are also in the loop but appear to be different entities. New accounts appear regularly; for example, @.kashaveeboyd and @.19percentva are even more recent accounts with similarly bizarre messaging/habits/follower counts.) 24/44
We’re talkin 3 followers / 7 following / 531 tweets type of thing, usually active at the same time, all peddling the same inane ‘racists are coming from out of town to destroy our peaceful protests and black businesses’ line, 25/44
/ ...all getting into it with the same longstanding radical Richmond twitter accounts, and all advocating for harsh punishment of these imagined opportunist criminals.

For some reason, they are all vocally Christian and pro-life.
Oh yeah, and the same day Kim Gray mischaracterized the march to Stoney’s apartment building as primarily white so she could compare it to a ‘lynch mob,’ this chorus did, too. 27/44
…and you'll recall that Kim Gray also conflates those ‘in white sheets’ and those ‘in all black on bikes,’ opposes removal of the monuments, and suggests that more protesters should be charged and punished for noise violations, parking violations, open carrying, etc. 28/44
Twitter is relatively transparent to the petty sleuth -- one can at least see a few details of the info account-holders use to identify themselves. So I checked it out. 29/44
I figured I would find that all these accounts belonged to the same person; however, that was not the case. @.BLACKRICHMOND99 was registered to a protonmail account (‘In Deez Streetz’ but very infosec/anonymous-savvy, impressive.) 30/44
Another account not worth mentioning belonged to some timber-obsessed loser named Marc who uses a model’s headshot for his actual LinkedIn avatar.
Only @.JacksonWard2020 and @.MayhemMonet were a match, sharing the last two digits of the phone number used to register. The odds that two randomly chosen 2-digit numbers turn up identical is ~4% — still, that’s hardly compelling evidence of, well, anything at all.
One of the accounts, @.SaadeSeshat, was registered to the email address va*********@g****.***, and as I continued to keep an eye on Monet’s facebook, I was on the lookout for fans and contributors whose names started with ‘Va-’. 33/44
Monet posted a screenshot of one of @.JacksonWard2020’s tweets on facebook, and it had a single like: Vashti Razia. Va****. Yep - she's all over Monet's page - interesting. 34/44
Her posts are perfectly in line with what the Monet-amplifiers are on about on twitter: the most recent is a crowd shot she took at the Black-organized City Hall sit-in with a caption erroneously suggesting that the event was suspiciously white. 35/44
The comments (all on public pages) reveal a back and forth between Vashti and her uncle, Jeffrey Gray.

Other posts on her facebook contain the same conspiracist anti-planned parenthood stuff we saw on twitter.
Some clicking around on the open web and it’s confirmed: Vashti Razia Goodman is one of Kim Gray’s two daughters. Her email is, and that email *is* registered to a twitter account. I can’t, however, find one affiliated with her own identity. 37/44
I feel confident that Monet-booster @.SaadeShedat (va*********@g****.***) is indeed Kim Gray’s daughter Vashti. I believe (but cannot confirm, even after hours of research) that some of the other accounts are likely other family members, friends, or campaign staffers. 38/44
Two of the twitters follow Kim Gray; one follows both Kim and her brother Jeffrey. @.JacksonWard2020 has tweeted favorably about Kim Gray twice.
And remember, the primary account activity was boosting/retweeting/linking to Monet Mayhem. 39/44
@.JacksonWard2020 is conservative and full of shit, but (IMO) too cogent to be Monet; however, both accounts were likely registered by the same person.

Did someone make Monet a twitter and provide her with the log-in info while retaining access to its DMs? 40/44
Is the Gray4RVA campaign strategically 'handling' this bizarre (but independent) provocateur? If so, is it happening with or without Monet's blessing?

Who is this charade for, and what is it supposed to accomplish? 41/44
So, again... why is Richmond city-councilwoman and mayoral candidate Kim Gray’s daughter tweeting from one or more burner twitter accounts that exist only to platform an abusive, conspiracy-peddling, and unstable livestreamer? 42/44
tl; dr: OP paid too much attention to the ongoing Monet Mayhem snitching fiasco, observed some sketchy shit related to her on twitter, and tracked at least some of that sock-puppet circle-jerking to mayoral candidate Kim Gray - specifically, one of her adult daughters. 43/44
I'm as confused as you are, but that's all I've got. Here's an imgur album -- screenshots are matched up to tweets by number: May be of interest to:
@GoadGatsby @BeQueerDoCrime @socialistdogmom @ash_antifa @notmynypd @abolish_work @richmondstrike


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