Its a known fact David Axlerod is in all reality Biden's current handler. Is David Axlerod related to Matthew Axelrod, Sally Yates Deputy and the liason between Strzok/Page and the Whitehouse that wanted to know "everything they're doing"?
Trump filed today in a motion to dismiss pointing out two particular meetings Jay Bratt setup with the WH counsels office in the fall of 2021.
What is significant is this was actually a series of 6 meetings with overlap of participants with Bratt just attending the two "bookend" meetings, as I reported last year.
Because the WH visitor logs don't make it easy to find things, I will do a thread making it easier for any journalist (or trump lawyer 😉) to find/verify this info.
What's the percent chance an individual has a J.D. (licenced practicing lawyer), a phd in psychology, also an ordained minister and three sons all of which are medical doctors and isn't a CIA asset?
Coming soon. How #alexandersmirnov helped bring down a gang of Armenian criminals he's probably now stuck in jail with (and Weiss knows it). Unless the mainstream media are too timid to report first.
At the very same time one of the defendants in the case above, was under indictment, the same defendant filed a civil suit against Smirnov and smirnov holdings ltd for breach of contract, why?, cause he was setting them up, FBI approved.
What tipped me off? Well first the name, tigran sarkisyan, then the fact that the same lawyer, Jerry Kaplan, was both his criminal case lawyer, and his civil lawyer in the case against Smirnov.