Dubious spy-sourced #BountyGate story getting WAY more traction than WaPo's bombshell Afghanistan Papers last December, exposing DC conspiracy of lies to keep their disastrous war going. That deeply-reported story vanished w/out consequences. washingtonpost.com/graphics/2019/…
Lesson not lost on ambitious journalists: if you wanna get ahead in this rotten business, flatter Langley & Pentagon. And if a slovenly indy reporter rips you for being a hack, recall the ol American adage: "If you're so smart, why ain't you a full-time reporter with benefits?"
The timing of #BountyGate "intelligence" is, as they say, uncannily uncanny.
🚨🚨EXCLUSIVE: Seymour Hersh discusses his latest scoop on Biden bombing the Nord Stream pipelines, on Radio @TheWarNerd 🚨🚨
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Another common smear of Hersh's story is to ridicule the possibility that famous Vietnam War protester Jens Stoltenberg could possibly have had intelligence ties when he was throwing rocks at the US Embassy with his soon-to-be-arrested "friends"
This article raises disturbing questions, none good for Zelensky. Obviously Ze placed his most trusted ally in charge of Ukraine’s powerful secret police (SBU) to protect himself. Now a powerful faction wants him out, claiming Zelensky wants his ally out? politico.com/news/2022/06/2…
Interesting that they chose to leak campaign against Zelensky’s SBU chief/friend to a former US government media correspondent, Chris Miller. Leaving aside the wtf factor of replacing spy chief in mid-war, very odd that this is framed as something Zelensky wants (but too afraid?)
This article omits the biggest SBU wartime scandal, when SBU agents assassinated a Ukraine negotiator with Russia, accusing him of treason—he turned out to be a spy for Ukraine’s military-intel GUR, whose director Budanov is powerful & close to NATO. timesofisrael.com/ukraine-report…
War fever propaganda blanks out critical thinking. So it's treasonous to say—or think—the obvious: the much-promised WW2 invasion hasn't happened; not a single "expert"/"official" predicted that "invasion" means RU recognizing & moving troops into already-RU-controlled DNR/LNR.
Pointing out the obvious doesn't mean approving what happened. It does mean asking why our "experts" and "unnamed intelligence officials" got it wrong again; and should (but won't) spark critical questioning of this casual rebranding of "invasion" to fit the facts on the ground.
What Putin is doing is ugly as hell, horrifying. But can't help wonder—why are US bluechecks far more worked up for Ukrainians who might be killed than, say, our country's central role in the Saudi dictatorship's slaughter of hundreds of thousands of Yemenis—which we can stop!
We're living through one of the most insane psychological warfare campaigns in years—and we're all participants in this live exercise, like it or not. The primary targets are the UK and US public. They can shock & awe our minds into believing anything.
Social media allows psywar campaigns like this to reach critical mass a lot more quickly & hysterically than the 2002-3 psywar campaign to mobilize support for the Iraq invasion, which by comparison took horse'n'buggy forever to scare & con the public into supporting war.
NATO's vast, multi-gazillion dollar media-NGO-"fact-checking" syndicates seeded social media with so many "Russia experts" & "disinformation experts" that they flood & dominate social medias space, though socmedia users believe themselves in control of their own info consumption
In our latest Radio @TheWarNerd episode with @MaxBlumenthal we also discuss how the Anti-Defamation League was busted in 1993 spying on American anti-apartheid protesters on behalf of apartheid-era South Africa’s foreign intelligence service.
The ADL ran spy rings with police intelligence moles in cities across the USA, spying on Arab-Americans, leftist groups, gay activists, and liberal members of Congress. The spy ring was busted when the FBI discovered that an ADL mole stole FBI files and gave them to Abe Foxman.
The @latimes was one of few mainstream papers to cover the 1993 ADL-apartheid-South Africa spy scandal. Like this, about the ADL spy who infiltrated an Arab-American & led their delegation to meet Nancy Pelosi in Congress & their SFPD/CIA spy Tom Gerard. latimes.com/archives/la-xp…
Good time to remind you that @nytimes supported Yeltsin's 1993 against the Russian Congress—and praised Clinton's backing of Yeltsin's coup.
This is astounding: @nytimes flipping around Yeltsin’s US-backed coup in 1993 to claim it was actually Russia’s parliament that overthrew itself. We know they’re alike because some Russian parliamentarians dressed weird, according to Andrew Higgins’ little mind.