Mark Ames Profile picture
Radio War Nerd
4 subscribers
Feb 12, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
🚨🚨EXCLUSIVE: Seymour Hersh discusses his latest scoop on Biden bombing the Nord Stream pipelines, on Radio @TheWarNerd 🚨🚨
Free & Unlocked, courtesy of our subscribers…
Jun 24, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
This article raises disturbing questions, none good for Zelensky. Obviously Ze placed his most trusted ally in charge of Ukraine’s powerful secret police (SBU) to protect himself. Now a powerful faction wants him out, claiming Zelensky wants his ally out?… Interesting that they chose to leak campaign against Zelensky’s SBU chief/friend to a former US government media correspondent, Chris Miller. Leaving aside the wtf factor of replacing spy chief in mid-war, very odd that this is framed as something Zelensky wants (but too afraid?)
Feb 23, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
War fever propaganda blanks out critical thinking. So it's treasonous to say—or think—the obvious: the much-promised WW2 invasion hasn't happened; not a single "expert"/"official" predicted that "invasion" means RU recognizing & moving troops into already-RU-controlled DNR/LNR. Pointing out the obvious doesn't mean approving what happened. It does mean asking why our "experts" and "unnamed intelligence officials" got it wrong again; and should (but won't) spark critical questioning of this casual rebranding of "invasion" to fit the facts on the ground.
Jan 24, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
We're living through one of the most insane psychological warfare campaigns in years—and we're all participants in this live exercise, like it or not. The primary targets are the UK and US public. They can shock & awe our minds into believing anything.
Social media allows psywar campaigns like this to reach critical mass a lot more quickly & hysterically than the 2002-3 psywar campaign to mobilize support for the Iraq invasion, which by comparison took horse'n'buggy forever to scare & con the public into supporting war.
May 28, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read
In our latest Radio @TheWarNerd episode with @MaxBlumenthal we also discuss how the Anti-Defamation League was busted in 1993 spying on American anti-apartheid protesters on behalf of apartheid-era South Africa’s foreign intelligence service.… The ADL ran spy rings with police intelligence moles in cities across the USA, spying on Arab-Americans, leftist groups, gay activists, and liberal members of Congress. The spy ring was busted when the FBI discovered that an ADL mole stole FBI files and gave them to Abe Foxman.
Jan 6, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read
Good time to remind you that @nytimes supported Yeltsin's 1993 against the Russian Congress—and praised Clinton's backing of Yeltsin's coup. Image ImageImage
Dec 28, 2020 7 tweets 3 min read
New Radio @TheWarNerd series on Yeltsin's 1993 coup against Russia's parliament — backed by Clinton, EU and the western press corps.
Part I just posted:… how it started how it ended ImageImage
Nov 5, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
Flipped to the OANN channel to see how they're coping, and the presenter was eyebrowing about King Tut's Curse, citing all the same urban legends I heard in middle school. I have no fucking idea what her point was. Now there's a boy presenter interviewing a crazy lady about vote fraud in PA.

You don't want to eat pot brownies and watch OANN, trust me—unless you want to wind up in ER with Stage-5 Panic Attacks.
Aug 30, 2020 4 tweets 2 min read
So many nerdoid laser beam dreams down the drain, thanks to the frickin' inverse square law...
Last @RadioWarNerd ep I read letter from Belarusian author Vladimir Kozlov ("USSR: Diary of a Perestroika Kid"). No neolib, Kozlov makes clear that Luk's continued rule extremely toxic, radicalizing youngs fast. Unsaid: longer Luk stays, more likely BY youngs go nationalist/NATO
Aug 17, 2020 4 tweets 2 min read
Speaking of color revolutions: re-upping our Radio @TheWarNerd interview with Marcie Smith on the color revolution brainbug— Gene Sharp… And here's a 30 minute FREE preview of our Color Revolutions deep dive
Feb 6, 2020 6 tweets 3 min read
Re-reading this old OSS sabotage manual. US intelligence has trained large numbers of people to devise ways of sabotaging outcomes without getting caught—the more banal, the better. Some of these spies take their skills to the private intel contracting sector. #ShadowInc "Always be profuse in your apologies. Frequently you can 'get away' with such acts under cover of pretending stupidity, ignorance, over-caution..."
"delay putting enemy calls through, give them wrong numbers, cut them off 'accidentally'..."
Jul 13, 2019 9 tweets 5 min read
In 1975, Jesse Helms & the US far-right attacked President Ford for refusing to meet with Solzhenitsyn. Ford considered Solzhenitsyn to be a "horse's ass" & far-right crank.
Today, Buzzfeed is channeling old Jesse Helms to attack Sanders. Demented. Somehow buzzfeed cites Solzhenitsyn's AFL-CIO speeches & Harvard speech—without describing the batshit contents: Solzhenitsyn denounced the US withdrawal from Vietnam War, detente, Hollywood movies, liberal media, even Angela Davis. Somehow Sanders is supposed to honor this.
Feb 26, 2019 5 tweets 2 min read
In the 1950s, Britain herded Kenya's entire Kikuyu population — nearly 1.5 million people — into concentration camps & subjected them to savage torture, rape & terror. "There was 'forced sodomy with broken bottles and vermin and snakes and just horrific, horrific things'"—Caroline Elkins, one of the rare brave US academics. Her book Imperial Reckoning broke 50 yrs silence about Britain's Gulag archipelago in Kenya…
Feb 26, 2019 6 tweets 2 min read
The three leading DC advocates for Venezuela regime-change happen to be Koch Cartel's three stooges: Rubio, Pence, Pompeo.
Related: Koch Cartel wants to wet its beak again on Venezuelan oil, fertilizers & petrochemical products… As @yashalevine wrote, for many years chavismo socialism fattened up Koch Cartel profits. A portion of those profits were invested in the careers of anti-socialist hacks like Rubio, Pence, Pompeo + their anti-socialist libertarian think-tank toadies…
Jan 28, 2018 5 tweets 2 min read
Devasting news that the great investigative reporter Robert Parry died. He broke so many great, dangerous stories on CIA-Contra, drug running, Reagan-Bush crimes. Our Radio @TheWarNerd interview with Bob, recorded last year, about his life & journalism… Russiagate shitlords smeared Parry as a "Kremlin disinformation" agent for daring to criticize "intelligence community" narrative. Parry attributed his first stroke to stress caused by Russiagate smear-goons like PropOrNot & their media friends…
Sep 25, 2015 6 tweets 2 min read
USAToday reports on Parubiy's warning to Obama… no mention Parubiy founded neo-Nazi party Andriy Parubiy's mein kampf book cover, marching in his neo-Nazi uniform—now Ukraine's deputy parliament speaker Image