Absolutely love that Strauss quote from @ClinPsychDavid on the ephemerality of Presidential Addresses... many are collected here, including from our pages, so judge for yourselves! bps.org.uk/about-us/histo…
We're proud to share what we think is an excellent collection of pieces on collaboration, from our October edition. We love the @sofiasita2 illustrations too!
All linked here thepsychologist.bps.org.uk/volume-33/octo… but thread to follow…
Supporting ‘team science’: @ButtonKate argues that we need to build a diversity of roles into the fabric of the psychology department, as well as thinking about our role in bigger interdisciplinary projects. thepsychologist.bps.org.uk/volume-33/octo…
Thanks Libby, means a lot.
As several people say in the issue, covers and statements are not enough. We want a properly open, wide-ranging, evidence-based conversation which draws in a range of voices and considers diversity/inclusion/institutional bias in the broadest sense...
...What I find intriguing is that many of our most vocal critics seem to be claiming to want the same. Yet every time we feature the work or views of BAME psychs, and/or the topic of racism, they fire off an angry email...
...I'm left unsure where to turn in terms of engagement. But we'll never hide from it, and it only makes me more determined to do better in terms of the diversity of our coverage and the conversations we have around inclusion.
A reader comments "there was a notable absence of any discussion of racial equality in the most recent issue".
A few things to flag up… 1) there will be in the Sept edition 2) early on in lockdown we realised we had a real challenge with even 'business as usual', so… [thread]
…we decided to produce a special summer edition themed 100% around 'Towards a new normal, and beyond'. 3) As part of that (p.5) we did flag up this BPS statement bps.org.uk/news-and-polic… 4) We also gathered perspectives and links here thepsychologist.bps.org.uk/standing-again…
We did look for info on the pandemic and BAME groups, but have seen very little written from a specifically psychological perspective.
We have proactively sought out BAME voices and other perspectives on inclusion in recent years and will continue to do so…