Herd immunity is the strategy:
Naturally, the responses in the thread under that tweet are a haven of critical thought.
A helpful explainer:
And besides, who could have predicted where ignoring a pandemic might lead?
Doctors ❌
Nurses ❌
Carers ❌
Retail staff ❌
Journalists ✅
I mean, suggest there's room for improvement, sure - but let's not go too far.
I don't understand.
(These were posted the same day).
Thank goodness there's simply no downside to uncritically-regurgitated press briefings.
But it's maybe worth bearing in mind how the relationship between journalists and politicians played out, in the midst of a pandemic. And whether lives might have been lost avoidably, in consequence.
People not abiding by confusing, contradictory, and badly publicised instructions? The electorate must resign at once.