Stay with me for a moment. [This is unfiltered, typing as the thoughts come along.]
He’d sometimes get home from work earlier than my mom. Many times, actually. And I have no memory of ever staying hungry, my brothers and I, simply because mom wasn’t home yet.
“If you’re not doing these things, who do you expect to come and do them for you?”
Those little seeds became the backbone of some of my core beliefs to this day.
A key part of “nurture” is what we see growing up, as well as what we continue to expose ourselves to even as adults.
Think about it for a moment.
You see where I’m going with this, don’t you?
The emotional abuse.
The physical violence.
The sexual violence.
And more.
For which I’m eternally grateful.
1. Many christians and that "God hates divorce" story, PLUS;
2. That "Wives submit to your husbands" story, PLUS;
...and how all these things continue to offer excuses and opportunities for abuse down the line.