Jains celebrate five major events in the life of a Tirthankara. They are called Kalyanak (auspicious events).
They are:
1. Chyavana Kalyanak
2. Janma Kalyanak
3. Diksha Kalyanak
4. Kevaljnana Kalyanak
5. Nirvana Kalyanak

This is the event when the Tirthankara Soul (Atman) departs from its last life and is conceived in the Mother's womb.

This is the event when the Tirthankara Soul is born. Snatra Puja is a ritual celebrating this event in which Indra does abhisheka on the Tirthankara on Mount Meru.

This is the event when the Tirthankara Soul renounces or give up all wordly possessions and becomes a Monk / Ascetic.

This is the event when the Tirthankara attains Kevaljnana (Absolute Knowledge) A divine Samavasarana(Preaching Hall) appears, from where the Tirthankara delivers sermons and restores the Jain community & teachings.

This is the event when the Tirthankara Soul is liberated from this worldly physical existence forever and becomes a Siddha. On this day, his soul destroys the 4 aghati karma's completely and attains salvation, the state of eternal bliss.