A THREAD on #Dundee Victorian campaigner agnst poverty, Mary Lily Walker. Her core motivation was t health of women&children. She was BORN 157 yrs ago today, 5 July 1863. I hv loved being part of efforts in t last decade to renew t public's memory of her. Here are some memories.
2. Here's the publication of Mary Lily Walker's biography, with author Eddie Small of @dundeeuni gifting a copy to Dundee's acclaimed son Brian Cox. This was 2013, when the book was just published. I remember when we dreamed up the idea of the book @annaday !
3. Here's a pic of t 2013 conference we held to mark t Centenary of Mary Lily Walker's death. Yep, that's @JohnCarnochan speaking! John has built a reputation in calling for greater investmnt in women & children's health. As a police officer, he called for more health visitors.
4. Here we are on that Centenary weekend in 2013. A group of us honoured her w/ a pilgrimage walk up to her gravesite in Balgay Cemetery. We started at the steps of St Paul's Cathedral, from which she was buried on what would have been her 50th birthday: 5 July 1913.
5. Here’s an excerpt from her obituary, published 2 July1913 in t Dundee Courier & Advertiser. “One of Dundee’s noblest daughters”. Quoted in her biography by Eddie Small: “Today t East End, no less t West End, mourns.” The street beyond the Cathedral was mobbed for her funeral.
6. Here is the Fancy Dress Dinner we held in 2013, with lots of us dressed up as characters of the time, aiming to raise awareness of her work. At the centre of the photo is t remarkable report she led in 1905 abt t health of childrn living in poverty in Dundee's abysmal housing.
7. Here's a discussion with author Eddie Small about biography of Mary Lily Walker's life at the Dundee Literary Festival, based at @dundeeuni . I have such admiration & gratitude to this man in particular! Her brought her character, not just her deeds, back to life.
8. And here's a great shot! Here we are on a Mary Lily Walker Walking Tour, taking a group of the public round Dundee sites relevant to her life. Here we are on a cold day at the family gravesite of her older half-brothers & sisters, in the Howff Cemetery.
9. Here's the Mary Lily Walker Exhibition, which hung in the foyer of the Tower Building of @dundeeuni in Summer 2013. It was designed by @connectedbaby's Graphic Designer Brett Housego. Later, it moved to the Central Library so more folk could see it.
10. When the public voted to include Mary Lily Walker amongst the very first historic Dundee dignitaries to feature in the new Discovery Walk, unveiled in 2016, I cried. It was so so deserving. Yet only 3 years before, so few people knew her name.
11. Since COVID, we've dug our copies of her biography out of the store room. There are now copies of Eddie Small's brilliant book available to purchase from the @connectedbaby website. "This is the story that has been too long in the telling." connectedbaby.net/resources/mary…
12/end. I'm going to end my thread w/ this pic. This talented young man beckoned us pilgrims to Mary Lily's gravesite in 2013. I will never forget t sound of his pipes. 107 years ago right now (3pm 5July1913), the crowds of mourners would still have been lingering on that hill.
I was thinkng recently about attachment styles in the workplace, so I thought I'd post a THREAD about recent research publications on this topic. Many leaders won't realise they are dealing, in the office, with fears they held as an infant. So are their employees & staff members.
2. 2024 article in journal Frontiers in Psychology.
"We propose a theoretical framework that explicates how attachment styles function to shape individuals’ regulatory responses from cognitive, affective, and behavioral perspectives." frontiersin.org/journals/psych…
3. 2024 article in the Journal of Business & Psychology.
"Results provided strong support for the relationships between attachment style and...personality traits, burnout, and job performance." link.springer.com/article/10.100…
On Sunday, I did something unusual for me: I went to the shops & bought a *hard copy* of @heraldscotland because I wanted to read @NeilMackay Big Read in print & sit with its message: "Adults, we need to step up." A THREAD
2. "They fuck you up, your mum & dad. They may not mean to but they do." @NeilMackay cited the same Larkin poem in his article with me earlier this year. I'm glad. We hide from this idea. We are ashamed, offended, askance. We are overwhelmed. So we leave our children to suffer.
@NeilMackay 3. "One of the most important things we can do for our childrn is validate their feelings." Yes. When human children feel heard, their stress-biology changes. So does their behaviour. @garethkthomas said this all last week on Twitter. Lots of teachers felt offended & overwhelmed.
Yesterday I talked about the links between childhood fear/distress and the appeal in adulthood of authoritarians like Trump. Some respondents thought this was a silly idea. I'm far from the only one talking about this, tho. So I thought I would keep talking about it. THREAD
2. Here are researchers Milburn & Conrad talking about their recent studies. Quote: 'We talk at length about childhood punishment and its effects on the development of authoritarianism along with its negative impact on the political system." thereader.mitpress.mit.edu/authoritariani…
3. Here's more:
- "Our research points to a distortion of adult political attitudes as an addition to the list of negative outcomes from spanking."
- "The effects of childhood punishmnt on authoritarianism remained significant after controlling for parents' political ideology."
I hear many people asking: "WHY do people support Trump? WHY are so many Americans willing to support his extreme positions (like the collapse of democracy)?" That willingness begins with childhood experiences. Let me remind us what happens in many American childhoods. A THREAD
2. Corporal punishment. It is still legal in state schools in 17 of America's 50 states. It is actively practiced in 12 of them, mostly in the South. Approximately 100,000 children & young people (mostly African American boys) are subjected to paddling every year, by this:
3. What about private schools in America? Corporal punishment remains legal in private institutions in 46 states. Only New Jersey, Iowa, Maryland & New York have banned it for all children. Lots of Christian parents send their children to private schools. @no2hitting
"What is it that we still don't get?"
This is t title of an insightful article writtn by Cliffe & Solvason in 2022 an academc journal called 'Power & Education' @PowerandEd . That quote is frm me.
This is a THREAD highlightng the important qstns they ask. journals.sagepub.com/doi/epub/10.11…
2. "In t opening speech for @TIGERSEYAcad 2017, Zeedyk asks 'what is that we still don't get?' Her point is that EY educators are often still not gettng the importnce of relatnshps, at policy or practice level."
Yep. I still think this. Well done @TIGERS_UK for opening up debate.
@TIGERSEYAcad @TIGERS_UK 3. "The dilemma Zeedyk alluded to emerges clearly when human development is closely scrutinised....Relatnshps are key to a child's learning, developmnt & resilience - inside & outside EY provision."
Delighted to see the theorists cited: @grahammusic1, @MoralLandscapes, Trevarthen
A #BabyThread about the sophistication of baby teasing.
This latest post from @DanWuori has been getting lots of shares & many of you have tagged me. I thought I would highlight some of the nuances so noone misses its fabulous complexity. THREAD.
2. So what can we see? Well, first, there aren't just 2 of them in on this joke, but 3! I am guessing that Daddy is filming the interaction, because there are two points when the baby looks directly at the camera as he says 'Dada'. With that look, he pulls Daddy into the joke.
3. Second, this is an example of what developmental psychologst Vasu Reddy calls 'infant clowning'. These are "acts which infants repeat deliberately in order to re-elicit laughter from others". He's learned something of emotionally managing his mama.😀