How to get URL link on X (Twitter) App Corporal punishment. It is still legal in state schools in 17 of America's 50 states. It is actively practiced in 12 of them, mostly in the South. Approximately 100,000 children & young people (mostly African American boys) are subjected to paddling every year, by this: So what can we see? Well, first, there aren't just 2 of them in on this joke, but 3! I am guessing that Daddy is filming the interaction, because there are two points when the baby looks directly at the camera as he says 'Dada'. With that look, he pulls Daddy into the joke. He walks into the hospital room. Let's think about that. He's probably never been in one before. Lots of weird furniture, no schema for how such a room looks to help him make sense of the layout. And so he can't find the particular thing he's looking for: His new brother. We begin the story knowing the problem: A lamb is lost and looking for her (?) mother. We can imagine her fear & anxiety. We can hear it in her bleat. The reason the video catches our heart is because we realise the little boy is alert to that fear too. He tries to help. First, I need to ask myself: Why? I'm going to be doing somethng really risky here. I'm going to show how a child suffers from somethng his daddy said to him. I try hard not to do this on social media. It risks shaming that daddy & by implication, all parents. Bad move.Unkind. WHY do adults believe in beating, spanking, smacking, belting, paddling, abusing children? (Feel free to choose your favourite phrasing). Ultimately, it is based in a belief in the “innate wickedness of children”, as @axrenton puts it. Badness needs to be beaten out of them. I had thought maybe it wd be overkill to offer one of my analyses of #TheBeginner - a bit obvious, a bit overegging t story - until I read t depressing analysis frm @stuheritage in @guardian, which @RebekahPierre92 found so hurtful. Changed my mind. "Charles was shy &withdrawn, and he sometimes seemed lonely & isolated. I don't think Gordonstoun was the right school for him, as I don't think he was ready for that slightly macho environment. Charles was a gentler, more thoughtful person."