All the more important now we’re not getting daily testing data.
Headline data in picture.
Detail in thread 👇…
Pillar 1 = testing in PHE labs/NHS hospitals for those with clinical need and in high risk settings like care homes & hospitals.
Pillar 2 = testing for the general public like home kits, drive-through etc.
Note – wk 5 figures will be revised as delayed data come through.
Downward trend continues: from 5,198 wk 4; 6,237 wk 3; 6,678 in wk 2; 8,781 in wk 1.
Compares to avg 420 new community cases/day through T&T.
About 1/4 of expected whereas last week was more like 1/6.…
More than total cases because reportedly includes some cases from wk 4. Plus likely to also include some duplicates put through to the contact tracing system.
1,682 in wk 1 -> 1,119 in wk 2 -> 846 in wk 3 -> 593 in wk 4
4,251 in wk 1 -> 3,444 in wk 2 -> 4,304 in wk 3 -> 4,191 in wk 4 -> 2,983 in wk 5
All revised down significantly due to revised increase in cases that are complex without anywhere near the equivalent rise in contact numbers.
And now the contacts reach per case also rising, now 1.7 (from 1.5 previous week)
Both are good.
-fewer cases going to T&T wk on wk
-far fewer than ONS estimated number of community cases, but MUCH better than last week
-continuing decline in complex cases
-77% of cases reached, no change on prev week
-76% of these gave details of a contact. Better than wk 4
-again because smaller proportion of complex cases where reaching contacts easier
-drop in percentage of complex contacts reached to 93% may be due to various reasons
-number of contacts per non-complex case rising v slightly.
How exciting.
Will see.
Just yesterday, 85 people in the UK died from COVID-19.