First, he’s in a no-win situation. If he issues a mandate, he will get rolled by the Legislature, without question. House and Senate leaders made that clear last night. #utpol…
Remember when they wanted to go Green as cases were spiking and Utah was on course to becoming the 22nd worst Covid hot spot on Earth?
We’re doing slightly better than Kazakhstan. #utpol
It has the backing of faith, health care, business communities and pretty much everyone who doesn’t wear a tri-cornered tin-foil hat. #utpol
If you live in Utah County, I’m sorry (for many reasons), but you’re probably out of luck. #utpol
And finally, there is no reason to believe we’ll get to 500 cases/day by the end of the month. #utpol
What are we going to do differently? Nothing.
So past performance is likely a predictor of future results. #utpol

Contact your legislator, let them know your views. And if you’re not satisfied with their response, vote them the hell out of office.