In a similar vein to my Inn in May, I'm building a coaching inn for @DeadEarthGames 😃
I'll be documenting the process in this thread
So far... Doors and trap door are by @IronGateScenery, crenels by @RenedraLimited
#warmongers #ttrpg #piratesofthedreadsea

I've added some of the horizontal timbering (balsa wood) to give me the level for the lower walls, and I have started adding stonework using DAS airdry clay and a @greenstuffworld terrain roller
#warmongers #ttrpg

As I go along, I'm adding details like windows, careful cutting of the shape from the clay while it's still soft, then making a frame with balsa. The leading is made from car body repair mesh
#warmongers #ttrpg

That's as far as I will get today 🙂
All stonework is on, all the timber is done and windows are in. So that's the main bit, next will be the dormers and flagstones!
#warmongers #ttrpg #piratesofthedreadsea

Next bit: textured the lathe/plaster panels using Vallejo ground texture, also the inside of the archway and the backs of the crenelations
#warmongers #ttrpg

That's the roof finished, and I have also added a dormer 🙂
Tomorrow I'll add the flagstones to the base!
#warmongers #ttrpg