1/ #Breastmilk feeding practices associated w/ co-occurrence of #microbiota in mothers’ milk & infant gut
TEAMwork w/ @TurveyLab @FinlayLab @CHILDStudy + trainees Kelsey Fehr @ShirinMoossavi @rozzy_tb @sbihi_hind
For context, we checked other well-known modifiers of the infant microbiome (at 3 mos), and the estimated effect of milk bacteria was similar to method of birth (vaginal vs. c-section) or having siblings.
- Pumping & storing #breastmilk affects bacteria (fewer of mom’s microbes shared with baby)
- Nursing allows infant oral bacteria to inoculate milk (fewer of baby’s microbes shared with mom)
- Where do milk bacteria come from? (Maternal gut? Infant mouth? Environment?)
- Regardless of their source, these bacteria appear to survive the trip to the infant gut… does this make them good #probiotic candidates?
- Implications for (pasteurized) donor milk?
- Why/how does pumping affect milk bacteria? How can we optimize this process for moms who pump?
- (How) do these milk & gut microbes influence infant health? What about the infant oral/nasal microbiomes?
… and to all the @CHILDStudy kiddos like Eloise who donated their diapers for science! (Check out the #CHILDStudyPosterContest for more artwork!)