A Roman Triumph is not just another victory but utter decimation and public humiliation of the enemy. The Triumph of Christianity is used exactly in the same note.
as Bernard Shaw observes “martyrdom is the only way a man can become famous without ability” seems to be the main philosophy behind martyrology.
"waylaid her returning home, and dragging her from her carriage, they took her to the church...where they completely stripped her, and then murdered her with tiles. After tearing her body in pieces, they took her mangled limbs...burnt them."
I saw with my own eyes...pastors of the churches hiding disgracefully...others suffered the indignity of being held up to ridicule by their enemies...I am determined therefore to say nothing even about those who have been tempted
After many nights spent in vigil, after floods of tears called from my inmost heart in recollection of my past sins, I would once more take up Plautus. And when at times I returned to my right mind and began to read the prophets, their style seemed rude and repellent.
Augustine: If God’s law diverged from Roman law, then the Heavenly City and its inhabitants were compelled ‘to dissent, and to become obnoxious to those who think differently’
“And those shameful things,
demons and idols,
and defiled things made with hands
in the land of the Egyptians
our good saviour trampled down
all together
and set up in their place a holy pillar”
We came down on them like a flood!
We went out among their cities!
We tore down the idol-temples,
We shat on the Buddha's head!
Circumcellions: Let's use clubs.
Using the cry ‘Laudes Deo’ – ‘Praise the Lord’, they called themselves Israels and spread sheer terror on the streets, attacking non-believers with their clubs.
312 – Constantine converts to Christianity
324 – Non-Christian sacrifices banned for Governors
341 – Sacrifices were banned
356 – Idolatry became illegal
391 – Worship in non-Christian Temples banned
By this time, destruction of Temples became an epidemic. 392 – Destruction of Serapeum
399 – Any standing non-Christian Temples will be demolished
408 – Another edict saying any standing non-Christian Temples will be demolished – the buildings will be put to public use.
410 – Sack of Rome
455 – Sack of Rome
476 – Western Roman Empire which controlled Rome ends.
Where there is terror, there is salvation. He who is doing against his name, let him suffer for his name. O merciful Savagery - Augustine