Summary coming. Then a link. Follow if interested.
35% Hispanics who died were <65
30% Non-whites were <65
13% White, non-Hispanic were <65
8% died at home or in the ER.
Please pay attention to any symptoms.
-25% had no underlying conditions, including 17% of <65 deaths had no underlying condition.
-Chronic kidney/ESRD
-Chronic lung
-Chronic liver
1/2 of ppl under 65 were on a vent. Compared to 1/5 over 65.
For people <65, the median age of a non-white person who died was 31. For white persons, it was 44 years.
Likewise of older people was 10 years than whites people.
Is the infection rate higher in communities of color or are death rates higher? Or both?
Are communities of color getting tested & diagnosed later? How much?