Here's what it says:
Q1. Who controls the temple now?
Ans: Administrative Committee on the guidance of the Advisory Committee.
[What is the extent of influence that Adv Com will ear on Admin Comm is not clear. Govt interference still possible]

1. Dist. Judge;
2. Nominee of Sebayats;
3. Nominee of State Govt.
4. Nominee of Min. of Culture, Central Govt
5. Chief Tantri
[As you see, 3 out of 5 are from secular state side, which may again lead to mis-management like before]
Ans: The Administrative and Advisory Committees shall decide on it.
[Questions on opening of Vault B, utilization of treasure for secular purposes, displaying in museum, etc can be treated to be put in dustbin for foreseeable future]
Ans: Their original status of primary care-takers of temple is restored. They resume their position as guardians of the temple. They control the Adv Comm while holding a position in Admin Comm, which is to be guided by former.