Except that sometimes the limit exists p-adically! 11/n
of them, because there are evidently |Jac(C)(𝔽_q)| points of Jac(C), and ℙ^{n-g} has (1+q+q^2+...+q^{n-g}) 𝔽_q-points. 13/n
|Jac(C)(𝔽_q)|/(1-q). 14/n
Note that |Jac(C)(𝔽_q)| is the class group of C, and (1-q) is (up to a sign) the number of roots of unity in the ring of functions on our curve, just like with number fields. 15/n
So the question becomes: what's the cohomology of Sym^∞(X)? The answer -- given by the Dold-Thom theorem -- is well known to topologists. 19/n
That is, it's our "class number formula" from before. (29/n)