"It" -- An ostensibly well-intentioned sentiment, muddied by *racial essentialism* and a *directive that I MUST perform some ambiguously defined action(s), because -- you say so?
No, I don't 'love to see it'. Especially from the @LPNational, @JoshGuckert.

Could this gambit work? And Is it a betrayal of principle?

And IF someone does see it, considering this commandment has no context of it’s own, do they buy Ibram Kendi's deluded text for instruction?

So I’ll make it plain: This dogma conflicts w/ libertarian ideals. We need not endorse it to CARRY ON supporting an end to the drug war + qualified immunity — that’s WHO WE ARE
I don’t know if this is well intentioned or tacky political larping.
I do know that needlessly polluting a movements long track record of criminal justice reform advocacy w/ racialist sludge is wrong.
That makes this gimmickry all the more frustrating. An unnecessary defect. A pointless — and I hope not deliberate — distraction.
I’d still vote for her, but not w/o some real angst.
Libertarianism is about individuals.
Libertarian ideas helped inform my decision to reject identitarianism.
Why disregard the principled and respectful objections of people who’ve helped promote + advance our shared values?
Good faith disagreement is always in fashion, Nic