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Articulate. Clean. Seditious Conspiracy @wethefifth Partner @freethinkmedia | @bigthink Board @theFIREorg @JoinFAI #MLIDAIDDS
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Oct 9, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
NYC Public School "Choose Your Own Adventure":

A) attempt to meet the needs of each individual student, whether their *special needs* involve remediation or accelerated curricula.

B) dismantle your gifted program because the *wrong kind of kids* are *doing too well*.

B? 👍🏼 There is no end to the way students differ from one another. Some of these differences will convey advantages. Students from two-parent households likely have some average advantage over their * single-parent* peers.

Should we hobble them in the name of EQUITY?

Why stop there?
Aug 5, 2021 8 tweets 4 min read
Surveying the media response to the recent @thehonestlypod episode w/ myself, @bariweiss and featuring an interview w/ Amy Cooper -- is surreal. 'Media incuriosity' is a primary theme in the recording, and some folks seem determined to illustrate why... 🧵… CIP: The distance between what Amy Cooper told me vs. the characterization of her remarks by @blakersdozen can be measured in light-years.

No surprise since, as Blake told me earlier today, he didn't even listen to the interview he was reporting on.🙃

*Motivated Incuriosity*
Jul 12, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read
Seems @realchrisrufo has withdrawn from this engagement, again. I won’t speculate about his motivations, but if I'm going to publicly assail someone's credibility, motives, and integrity -- I wouldn't turn down an opportunity to defend those assertions in a neutral venue.🧵 Disappointed we won't have an opportunity to flush out our disagreement, both on the issues and with regard to several misrepresentations Chris recently directed my way in various publications. 2/
Jul 7, 2021 8 tweets 2 min read
Believe you're locked in a civilizational conflict? That corrosive ideas, endangering the foundation of free society saturate everything, incl K-12 curriculum?

Well, bans on ideas will not save you. Worse than fool’s gold, you establish a precedent *THEY* may turn on you next.🧵 I’m no stranger to the many disturbing overreaches already attempted by some school districts + teachers, cultivating race essentialism in classrooms.

And I see the prominent race-mongers peddling divisive ideas under the guise of 'anti-racism.'

They NEED to be confronted.
Jul 5, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
The list of ugly ideas schools could teach is infinite.

An affirmative approach to reform that focuses on pedagogy + frameworks --while advocating for greater choice + competition in K-12-- may be less scintillating than enacting a ban; probably more efficacious in the long run. So many of these schools were already terrible. And the status quo has been unacceptable for decades.

Maybe worthwhile to do more than *hold the line* against one variety of bad idea. Have yourself a legitimate (and thorough) revolution.
Apr 29, 2021 5 tweets 2 min read
When surveying US history, what’s more remarkable: that slavery once existed in the United States — or that the same country gave rise to an intellectual and moral tradition that helped outlaw slavery all over the world?

Hint: Human slavery is older than writing. "America is a slavocracy…"

I wouldn’t describe this as a 'controversial' take.

More like 'dangerously uninformed and cynical.' And seeminly rooted in the belief that a society's historical defects forever contaminate its functioning.

(Try applying that *insight* universally.)
Apr 15, 2021 13 tweets 4 min read
Days later, and there is still zero tangible evidence that race had anything to do w/ this unfortunate incident.

Fact is, #WhiteSupremacy 👻 (which should probably always be paired w/ a mocking ghost emoji) is the most prolific + widely believed conspiracy theory in America... When invoked in contexts like this, #WhiteSupremacy 👻 describes a myopic + politically motivated oversimplification of American history.

In short: 'The American project, and all* its byproducts, are fundamentally contaminated by its historical moral defects.'

This is bonkers.
Mar 20, 2021 6 tweets 2 min read
Snyder Cut > Infinity Wars / Endgame 🧵

(NOTE: No "Justice League" Spoilers) Marvel made me wait a decade for their *ultimate baddie*. There were plenty of goodies along the way, but if you don't finish strong, what's the point!?

I had expectations; they let me down. They let us all down.
Mar 18, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
Imagine a loved one dies in a high profile act of violence. The media narrative surrounding the tragedy begins w/ intense speculation RE racial motives, and this framing persists despite growing evidence that race is likely irrelevant.

How would you feel?
Who benefits from this? Victims of last nights violence are individuals w/ families who love + will forever miss them. This is paramount.

Good intentions or not, always something a bit unseemly RE the determination to slot HUMANS into the contrived social artifice of racial identity. No exception here.
Feb 23, 2021 5 tweets 3 min read
Our obsession with the word "Nigger" --in all its phonetic + textual variants, w/ its jumble of confused social norms-- is about pretense, not justice.

It's the worst kind of puritanical fetish. All but forbids appraisals of context; makes a virtue of mindless hypersensitivity. Little wonder some have *graduated* to censuring journalists for, not use of the word, just having discussions RE 'what might constitute blasphemy.'

And these are people purportedly in the business of weighing words, ideas, and occurrences.…
Feb 7, 2021 5 tweets 2 min read
Seems like a very reasonable question... But why worry about trivialities like 'intent' or 'nuance' or the pretense of 'journalistic objectivity' -- Moral Clarity ought to make things much simpler.…
Feb 5, 2021 7 tweets 3 min read
Bit of a lousy day. Thoughts are w/ my friend @AndyMillsNYT. Hope you'll read his moving + instructive resignation letter in full.

Andy didn't want to leave @nytimes.
Candidly, if NYT had half the integrity it purports to have, they wouldn't let him go... Mills' exit was precipitated by a determined, disingenuous smear campaign.

Odds are you don't know, that you know, Andy's work. During his tenure, he probably created more *value-per-min-worked* than any NYT staffer. Forging + shepherding many of their most successful projects.
Jan 7, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
We must be honest about this:
We've endured yrs of escalating polarization and political violence. Full Stop.

Past 4 Years: Mass shootings targeting lawmakers. Scores dead amid waves of mass demonstrations + riots. Municipal bldgs torched. Fed outposts under months-long siege... Appropriate to highlight Trump's degeneracy, but it mustn't come at the expense of acknowledging the dangerous context we need to be grappling with.

"Escalating crescendo" is redundant, confusing, and misleading. How can anyone be confident we're on the other side of ALL THIS!?
Oct 1, 2020 7 tweets 2 min read
"Our past is one of slavery, racism, and injustice. Our systems were built to oppress people of color."

The history of humankind is a dense catalog of inhumanity, subjugation. The American project isn't the apogee of that awfulness; it's part of a sharp deviation from the mean. Only a deep, lamentable ignorance explains @GavinNewsom's myopia.

America had a host of imperfections at her founding. Vestiges of what preceded it, not cruel innovations of the framers. In fact, it's the American vantage point that helps bring those defects into focus at all.
Sep 24, 2020 4 tweets 2 min read
Competing interpretations of this clip making the rounds. Both make some assumptions:

1) Get rid of the [mail-in] ballots, they're a problem. Then there won't be a transfer of power [because I'd win at the polls].

2) Get rid of the ballots [and cancel the election]. [I'm king.] Trump talks like he has marbles in his mouth. It's not good.

Still, much easier for me to believe he's (inelegantly + inarticulately) saying the first (less insane) thing; especially since he's made nearly this same claim on many occasions.

But the frenzy is in full bloom...
Sep 23, 2020 7 tweets 3 min read

@chrislhayes — worth paying attention to what your own network is up to today.

The clip in this @MSNBC post is both factually inaccurate and dangerously sensationalist.

It’s been months. Why can’t a primetime anchor + team get the facts right?

Was Taylor killed in her bed? Did cops storm in + just start shooting? They were not looking for *someone else*. No civilian was prosecuted for defending themselves.

This is 50%+ wrong, @JoyAnnReid.
Aug 29, 2020 7 tweets 2 min read
I have many questions about Jacob Blake’s death. It must be thoroughly investigated. People must be held accountable for any wrongdoing.

Demanding justice is appropriate. It’s also vital that we get the context + history right.

There will NEVER be "Another Emmett Till"... (1/6) First: Conclusions absent facts — this isn’t justice. The Blake investigation is ongoing.

Second: There will NEVER be another Emmett Till.

To say otherwise diminishes the importance of Till’s death. The immense progress made since. And the enormous sum paid to get HERE... (2/6)
Jul 16, 2020 13 tweets 5 min read
"You love to see it."

"It" -- An ostensibly well-intentioned sentiment, muddied by *racial essentialism* and a *directive that I MUST perform some ambiguously defined action(s), because -- you say so?

No, I don't 'love to see it'. Especially from the @LPNational, @JoshGuckert. This seems philosophically sloppy, opportunistic. It seems like a crass attempt to glom onto a meme w/ pernicious, established imputations -- in hopes it *maybe* produces a political advantage.

Could this gambit work? And Is it a betrayal of principle?…
Jun 24, 2020 4 tweets 2 min read
"....we're just giving it away for free."


We get access to these sites; it usually costs us nothing. If that weren't valuable, we'd never log on. Yes, our attention is a commodity for tech firms, but tailored ads are also a benefit we receive. "Wow, I was looking for that!" The claim that tech firms pay no taxes isn't new; it's also never been entirely accurate. And even if a firm's tax bill is near zero (perhaps they're reinvesting* profits), tax is paid on wages + purchases.

@AndrewYang wants them to pay more? Fine -- make that case.
Jun 22, 2020 4 tweets 2 min read
I'm thankful for a lot of things:
- My wonderful wife and amazing daughter
- Charcoal dental products
- And @Jacob__Siegel...

I'm reading this for the second time. It feels like he's working the room with a flamethrower. 🔥… "The new mode is argument by commandment: It borrows the form to game the discourse of rational argumentation in order to issue moral commandments." Image
Jun 18, 2020 4 tweets 2 min read
Nope. It's definitely the tree. Image The preceding section is instructive too. Image