But we haven’t seen anything yet. What about the controversies of tomorrow? 1/
Another word for soft my dad would have used is “half-assed.” 3/
It also kept the public with more reserve if this has to happen again. 4/
The White House is unlikely to be in that camp & discredit those that are. 5/
“It might not have worked out as well.” 6/
If you’ve ever had this conversation, you probably heard someone say “federalism” & “local control.”
Oh, so it’s a principal. Got it. Our principal of self-governance. 7/
Here’s a secret...Come closer...federalism is a cop out for no accountability. 8/
It requires equal accountability & partnership with the states. We crave a unified response. Not uniform, but unified. 9/
Do we have 7% immunity going on 15% or do we have 7% going on 7%? Or with T-cells do we already have 30% with some cross-immunity? 10/
Likewise will there be age cut offs where a vaccine won’t work or will cause side effects? 11/
We know the virus hits gender, age, illness burden, race & environmental factors differently. What if a vaccine only elicits an immune response from some but not all groups? 12/
I can’t begin to consider the societal implications, the behavior, the cleaving of the country. 13/
Because the virus has started out so lethal, we don’t much worry about long term illness. But without the time to observe the consequences, we don’t really know how bad it will be.
Therapies will reduce fatalities. But then what? 15/
We will need to start measuring outcomes with more care. The president says 99% of people will be fine. He’s not much for facts. 16/
There are tricky questions: According to the most likely to spread? According to the most likely to die? According to people with the most exposure. Kids first? Elderly people first? Black & Hispanic? 17/
A big question that may be on us soon is if a vaccine is made available for Emergency Use? Will people consider it safe? Will people suspect political interference? Who can be trusted to present the data since there may be questions. 20/
Whatever the questions, we’ve got to improve our discourse. 21/
The neighbor against neighbor. The internal family squabbles. 22/
These are existential times & the questions are ethical, practical, prioritization. They will define who we are. 23/
Our responses. Whether we pulled together or apart. Whether we supported. Whether we unified. Whether we ultimately prevailed. What we ended up squandering. 24/
That feeling is beyond the virus. It’s about whether we feel like we have anything any more. 25/
There’s a lost feeling among many when we’re left on our own. 26/
We will need to navigate what’s ahead. /end