1) Trump has control over the DOJ with his guard dog Barr.
2) Trump has control over the Senate majority - thru fear.
3) Trump has been given carte blanche by Senate GOP acquittal at impeachment
4) Trump is deliberately and systematically
5) Barr is aggregating all of the cases against Trump so that he has complete control
6) Barr has replaced key figures in the US prosecutors offices around the country.
7) Trump has discredited the MSM so that 40% of the
8) Fox News is now the propaganda arm of the Trump Reich.
9) He is threatening to use force around the country if the States do not obey his demands.
10) He has described the people protesting as criminals, and ordered them gassed and beaten
12) He insists that he knows more about anything than anyone. The chosen one.
13) His lieutenants are all either family or sycophants with total allegiance to him. There is no dissent allowed.
If he wrests control, his rise to power would be complete.
If this does not frighten every American, then you are not paying attention, nor have you learned from the lessons learned with the rise of Adolf Hitler and Nazi Germany.
And women's, minorities, LGBTQ rights would be stripped back decades.
The @HouseDemocrats & @SenateDems still hold out power to stop him.
We suggest that @SpeakerPelosi & @SenSchumer go to the WH and give Trump an ultimatum: resign or be impeached. 24 hours to decide.
@glennkirschner2 @SethAbramson @SteveSchmidtSES @tribelaw @neal_katyal @MaddowBlog