Having heard the story firsthand, a copy was arranged for the Sultan
Some say money; a lot of it was paid, others hint on agreeing to the conditions set by the storyteller
"Kudak-nadaan>children | Zanaan>Women | Ablahaan>Asses | Mokhannasaan>Eunuchs | Bandagan e Zar Khareed>Slaves"
Other version tells us that Hasan learnt of the story being kept in Damascus protected under guards with no access to foreigners
Two writers trained in the craft secretively put in place during the recital and that arranged for Mahmud of Ghazna his treasured copy of Saiful Muluk
Popular as Saifal Nama of Moulvi Lutf Ali it was written under patronage of & dedicated to ruler of Bahawalpur State
Here's a glimpse of Qissa Shah Saifal sung by Haq Nawaz
full audio: