Lot of people have asked about 'Aryan Invasion Theory' (AIT) and where it stands today.
An effort to bring various pieces together.
Please read on
AIT was propounded at the time when most of the technologies were not available (e.g. Astronomical S/w, DNA Profiling, Paleontologist studies). AIT states that Aryan were Europeans who came on horses with 'Ayas' and settled during ~2000 BC.
3/n The cause of AIT propagation was to establish racial superiority and colonising India.
When they found Indian culture far rich and advanced, they stole it and termed Indus valley inhabitants as Aryan race who drove Dravidian to south.
4/n Long story of inferiority terming rich culture into inferior.
Treaty of Tordesillas entered between Spain and Portugal sanctioned by Pope Julius II to share the world by two powers was trigger point of comparison in faith and civilisations.
5/n As per Treaty, Columbus (a Spanish Sailor) went westwards and ‘discovered’ America in AD 1492.
Vasco-Da-Gama 1460-1524 (a Portuguese Sailor) sailed eastwards to discover sea route to India Calicut on 20th May 1498
[pic indicative]
6/n 17th Century, Spain and Portugese colonised several territories including parts of India. Germans felt left behind. They started to dig in Sanskrit to match their own Language britannica.com/topic/Aryan
7/n German Indologist Herder 1744-1803, Karl Wilhelm Friedrich Schlegel (1772-1829) worked to prove that Europeans were great amongst Greeks and Romans and called #sanskrit as mother language of all
8/n German William Jones 1746-1794 theorised mapped Indian figures into Biblical framework. He mapped ‘Manu’ as ‘Adam’ ‘Narasimha’ as ‘Nimrod’.
He said “Either the first eleven chapters of genesis are true or the whole fabric of our national religion is false”
9/n Britishers took forward this theory of Aryan’s racism superiority to control ‘India’.
1830, Macaulay was appointed convert India to a Christian country. He wanted Indologist Max Muller (1823-1900).
10/n Mueller propounded the theory of Arya as a race of a family of languages and who spoke them – linguistic divide.
as per him, Riv Veda claimed only Brahman, Kshatriya as Aryan and categorized Sudra as non-Aryan. He called “Arya” (or Aryan) a race.
11/n Max Muller’s Aryan linguistic category was converted by Risley into caste 1901 Census in India
He carried out “Nasal Index” to classify jatis as Hindus and tribes as non-Hindus.
He decided that Indian consists of 2378 main casts and tribes and 43 races.
The racial theories landed up in several regional conflicts consequently and subsequently 1. Holocaust & WW-II 2. Rawanda conflict 3. Naval conflict and First Independence War by India in 1857
13/n Euro-Indologist chose to ignore River Saraswati which is mentioned in RigVeda 65 times
Vaidic wisdom existed 9KYA BC
Horses and Chariots were present in India way before belief of indologists.
17/n Stone tools found in Attirampakkam, Tamil Nadu dates back 350KYears debunking theory that homo-erectus exting 600Kyear ago and modern man came into being 80kYear before.
@RajVedam1 thewire.in/science/stone-…
'Narmada Man' Skull discovered in MP, India, provides the first scientifically recorded evidence of human skeletal remains from the Indian subcontinent dating to the late Middle Pleistocene of 300Ky to 150Kyears ago. @RajVedam1 anthropology.iresearchnet.com/narmada-man/
19/n As per @RajVedam1 The excavation in Keezhadi, Tamil Nadu, based on the studies and available data, the carbon dating should be in an interval of 821 BCE to 2974 BCE for the terminus layer.
22/n Discovery of Chariot in Sanauli, UP, India itself is sufficient to debunk false AIT.
What to speak of other Archaeological, Paleontologist, Genetic proofs.
It proves that Indus-Valley-'Saraswati'-Civilisation existed ~2000BCE
23/n Continuity of Civilisation from Harappan excavation 1. Namaste 2. Swastika 3. Yoga 4. Shivalinga
@RajVedam1 @Aabhas24
24/n Study by A R Nair, S V Navada and S M Rao Thar Desert states that cooler and pluvial conditions in the Holocene were present in the region what is called dried Saraswati River.
Thank you @narendramodi Modiji for overhauling your cabinet. It was long due and desired
Requesting you to also repeal entire @ASIGoI good for nothing engaged in graveyards maintenance.
Majority of excavation sites are ruining (the last possible evidence of our glorious past)
8a : Ekastaka - Wrong interpretation by Western Scholar to subdue India's antiquity. This led to take away plane geometry pioneered by Indians by greeks
Horse bones found in Hunsgi Baichbal valley's Acheulian sites, Karnataka pertaining to lower paleolithic period appx (2.580 ± 0.005 Ma and 0.773 ± 0.005 Ma) … #Archaeology
Latest satellite images, ground atudies proves #Saraswati did exist 4000 years ago. Even a Dutch map from 1746 ce shows it flowing parallel to Indus river
#Archaeology researchgate.net/figure/Course-…
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Thread on the global events surrounding the initiation of Kaliyuga, often termed "A Celestial Clock Reset." It was triggered by a rare planetary conjunction on 18th Feb 3102 BCE.
This era marked profound shifts in ancient civilizations, influencing cultural narratives and astronomical records.
This thread captures archaeological, paleological, Occeanographical, meteriotical records.
#Archaeology #Astronomy #AncientHistory
Documented Celestial Events of 3100 BCE
- In a remarkable display of cosmic choreography, four notable comets blazed across the night sky, each arriving with a month's interval. These celestial visitors, meticulously chronicled by Duncan Steele, intersected Earth's orbit, captivating ancient sky-watchers.
- Among them, the mighty Proto-Encke made its closest approach, a spectacle that would have inspired awe and possibly fear, as it loomed large and bright.
- This period also witnessed a mysterious global dust veil, shrouding the Earth and leaving its mark on tree growth rings, particularly in regions like Ireland and England. This veil likely caused cooler temperatures and affected agriculture, embedding the memory of these celestial events into the very fabric of history and nature.
Nestled within the remote expanse of Australia's Northern Territory, the imposing Henbury Meteorite Crater spans 500 feet wide. This awe-inspiring geological feature was formed around 3100 BCE when a fiery meteorite, hurtling through the cosmos, collided with Earth, leaving behind a breathtaking reminder of the universe's immense and untamed forces.
Exploring Greek scholars' perspectives on women in society (800-400 BCE).
During 500–200 BCE, Athens saw women confined to households without political voice. Contrastingly, Spartan women owned property and engaged in physical education.
Discover the intricate roles played by women in religion amid societal constraints on public life.
480 BCE: In Euripides' Hippolytus, the protagonist ponders, "zeus, why did you place women on earth, a deceptive affliction for men?" (Hippolytus 616-17)
In lines 269-73 of "Andromache," it's remarked, "Curious how the divine has granted men slaves to deal with the poison of all crawling creatures, yet never has a remedy been created for the venomous woman, more perilous than flame or serpent."
The story of real brown "Americans". Their rituals resemble those of Bharat, and they believe they have emerged from beneath the world.
The Navajo, the original Americans, are the most populous of all Native American peoples in the United States, with approximately 300,000 individuals living in New Mexico, Arizona, and Utah and the insignifant to the invaders.
As for the mixed Spaniards who label themselves as "white Americans," they must return to Spain. Tag them who call themselves as Americans. Also Tag the original American and support them
P.S. 12,000 years ago, Asia and America were connected and could be reached by foot.
Indian Ten Commandments:
- The earth is our mother, care for her.
- Honor all your relations.
- Open your heart and soul to the Great Spirit.
- All life is sacred, treat all beings with respect.
- Take from the earth what is needed and nothing more.
- Do what needs to be done for the good of all.
- Give constant thanks to the Great Spirit for every new day.
- Speak the truth but only of the good of others.
- Follow the rhythms of nature; rise and retire with the sun.
- Enjoy life's journey but leave no tracks.
The above commandments are similar to Hindu beliefs of nature lover.
For years, the Navajo defended their land against Mexican and New Mexican slave traders and livestock raiders. In 1848, the U.S. Army arrived. Between 1863 and 1866, the army marched about 11,500 Diné people 400 miles to a desolate reservation at Bosque Redondo in New Mexico. In 1868, the Navajo became the only Native Nation to use a treaty to escape removal and return to their home. This treaty was written on paper taken from an army ledger book. Article 2 is the crucial one that defines the Navajo reservation.
Did lay Buddhists truly accept the caste system without objection?
Y. Krishnan's critical analysis sheds light on this controversial topic, revealing insights into the complexities of Buddhism and caste discrimination.
Join me as we unravel the truth in this enlightening #thread.
A. Varna as the Basis of Castes:
The Madhura Sutta (84), Kannakatthala Sutta (90), and Assalayana Sutta (93) from the Majjhima Nikaya, as well as the Cullavagga ix.1.4 of the Vinaya Pitaka, all acknowledge the existence of four castes: Kshatriya, Brahmana, Vaisya, and Sudra.
The current caste, or 'Jati', is determined not by present actions but by past 'karmas'. Anyone from any class can be recognized for their noble deeds, but to belong to a higher caste, one must be reborn into it.
Ashwamedha "अश्व मेध" to Ashwavadha "अश्व वध:" : a concocted Mughal journey.
Ashwamedha as Horse sacrifice was propagated by Moghuls as against popular belief that Britishers tempered it. Here are chronological archaeo and painting records proving ashwamedha was never to kill horse untill the Mughal courtiers interpolated it.
The study found that 27 kings from 18 dynasties had performed a total of 81 documented Ashwamedha Yagyas from the 1st century BCE to the 18th century CE.
Here we go. Retweet and bookmark this important debunking
Hindu ancient text emphasises the importance of Yagya and Nation building. Two of major text arer here
ऋग्वेदः - "अ॒ग्निमीळे॑ पुरोहितं॒ य॒ज्ञस्य॑ देवं॒ ऋत्विज॑म्। हो॒तारं॑ रत्नधात॒मम्॥" इति। अत्र अग्निः यज्ञे पुरोहितः (ऋत्विज्) भवति।
”agnim īḻe purohitaṃ yajñasya devam ṛtvijam | hotāraṃ ratnadhātamam ||” implies that the agni is the purohit (priest) in this sacred spiritual act (yagya)
शतपथब्राह्मणम् (१३.१.६) इत्यस्मिन् स्पष्टं वर्तते - "राष्ट्रं वा अश्वमेधः"। अत्र अश्वमेधयज्ञस्य वास्तविकं तात्पर्यम् देशस्य सुशासनं व्यवस्थापनं च इति, यत्र मानवसाधनं पर्यावरणं च सम्मिलितं भवतः।
Shatpath Brahman (13.1.6), it is stated that ”Rashtram va Ashwamedha”, which implies the real meaning of Ashwamedha Yagya is to administer and manage the country efficiently, which not only involves human resources but also the ecosystem.
Note: No Horse "Sacrifice" Advised.
Earliest inscriptional evidence about Aśvamedha is found in Naneghat dating 1st century bce
The dialipidiating inscriptions says, that The Aśvamedha yajña was performed for 3 years. Sātakarṇi performed this yajña twice, which implies that he had to establish his sovereignty twice. This suggests that his supremacy may have been challenged after the first Aśvamedha yajña. The second Aśvamedha yajña likely indicates his regaining of hegemony.
Sātakarṇi extended the Sātavāhana rule beyond the Deccan Region, and he was undoubtedly a great conqueror. In the inscription, he has been eulogized as 'Pṛṭhvyāḥ Prathama Vīra' or the foremost warrior of the earth.
The donations given during these yajñas included a horse with silver trappings and decorated with gold ornaments, 14,000 Kārṣapaṇas, and one cart with grains. Apart from these, a village was also donated—one of the first instances of the donation of a village to a beneficiary. This custom was continued by later Sātavāhana rulers and became common practice by the Gupta period.
The Śatapatha Brāhmaṇa mentions different types of Aśvamedha yajñas. Different varieties of animals—both wild and domesticated—were to be brought to the yajña vedi, and the wild animals were to be let go after the fire was taken around them.
"Connections Between Vedic and Sumerian Civilizations"
Meru and Sumeru might not be just mythological concepts; they could have coexisted with striking similarities.
Both cultures worshipped sun deities and had similar creation myths involving cosmic battles and detailed genealogies of gods. Linguistic parallels further support these connections.
Despite historical gaps, this analysis offers a glimpse into ancient cross-cultural influences, inviting us to consider how ideas traveled long before modern communication.
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Sumerian and Sanskrit, though geographically distant, share intriguing similarities offering insights into early human civilization. Both are among the oldest written languages, with linguistic ties suggesting possible cultural exchange between their regions.
Sumerian and Sanskrit share complex inflectional systems for nouns, verbs, and sentences, suggesting common structural principles or ancient interactions. Lexical similarities also exist in areas like agriculture, family, nature, and religion.
Shail Vyas, Homi Bhabha Fellow, found more than 90 commonalities amont the name of musical instruments x.com/Ugra___/status…
The Bakshali manuscript mentions Sumeru, which is intriguing given that the Sumerians became extinct 5,000 years ago. This suggests that either the Bakshali birch was conceived much earlier, or the Sumerians survived until the start of the Common Era. The former is more likely.
Interestingly, the Akkadians referred to the Indian region as "Meluha," a name that closely resembles "Meru." x.com/GemsOfINDOLOGY…