That's easy, it's a shell script. Just download it and put it in /usr/bin (if you're too lazy to say "make" in the redhat dir to make an RPM or you're using a non-RH based Linux distro)…
Clone this repo:…
say "make install" in the top-level directory
or say "make" in the redhat directory to make an RPM
vi /etc/beegfs_*stats.conf # configure urls to your InfluxDB
influx -execute 'create database beegfs_stats'
influx -execute 'create database beegfs_mstats'
service beegfs_clientstatsd start
service beegfs_clientmstatsd start
service beegfs_userstatsd start
service beegfs_usermstatsd start
service beegfs_serverstatsd start
service beegfs_servermstatsd start
service beegfs_stats start
service beegfs_mstats start
You need to change the "host" variable in the dashboard template variables to match the hostname of the machine where the daemons are running
If someone abuses the cluster, you can take screenshots and pummel them with irrefutable graphic evidence