Audits on the reset were very real as the Cabal has tried to hack and steal funds daily.
The latest was that the audits passed as of around 4 pm Wed. 22 July and things were moving forward.
It’s about to happen. #NESARA#GESARA
Explanation: Tier4b is not for the public, with Tier5 it becomes interesting for humans.
Keep praying this in as it looks like THIS IS IT and the Deep State politician & bureaucrat shills CANNOT HOLD IT BACK FOREVER! #NESARA#GESARA
17 is becoming more modified now to give it a more diverse action, they’ll put out the info instead of just to one source they’ll put it out to 7-diff. sources… a bit like TV channels but instead of TV channels it will go out to these ‘Digital Warriors’ #NESARA#GESARA
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NESARA / GESARA was converging with the GCR/RV release that started Thurs. night 30 July and would go into the weekend, with a deadline for us in the Internet Group Tier 4b to begin by at least Wed. 5 Aug. #NESARA#GESARA
The Dinar has revalued; Chinese Yuan, Zimbabwe Zim and USTN were all gold/asset-backed and trading internationally. The current Central Banking system was imploding. #NESARA#GESARA
Trump and the Alliance appeared to be purposely driving the Cabal’s fiat dollar into the ground, with debt piling up on top of more debt. A beautiful QFS / NESARA level playing field would rise from the ashes – all part of The Plan. #NESARA#GESARA
Money flows and itineraries were sent out to group leaders asking them to go into the new US Treasury in Reno to prepare for RV liquidity on Fri. 31 July. Military personnel have had liquidity and been able to exchange their Dong/Afghani and partially on Dinar. #NESARA#GESARA
Prosperity Packages have been delivered, but liquidity would not start until the first week of Aug. Exchange notification for Tiers 1-4a,b was expected on Mon. or Tues. 3, 4 Aug. Redemption and Call Centers were still on call. #NESARA#GESARA
On Wed. 29 July the Dinar was revalued and that new rate was posted internationally. You can’t see the new Dinar rate in the US, but were expected to see it when exchanges began on Mon. 3 Aug, or Tues. 4 Aug. #NESARA#GESARA
The next few weeks to Tues. 15 Sept. were promised to be filled with historic legislation enactment that would return us to the original Constitution and implementation of NESARA. #NESARA#GESARA
Tiers 1-4a funds started moving at 12:45 am EDT Tues. 28 July. Monies were moving through a required protocol, while many were looking for resolution and deliveries to start with liquidity for Tier 4b on Wed. 29 July. #NESARA#GESARA
Military Intel Contact texted on Tues. 28 July "That authorization from the 11 pm EDT RV team meeting Mon. 27 July to release Tiers 1-3/4a funds started at 4:45am PDT (12:45 am EDT) Tues. 28 July. Tier 4b was in the mix. #NESARA#GESARA
On Mon. 27 July the World Court (ICC) ruled in favor of the Chinese plaintiffs and against the USA. The Court ordered the USA to get Tier 4B started ASAP this week, or hand the release and 800# notification process over to the Chinese. #NESARA#GESARA
The USA would be charged interest on the three trillion taken from Dubai 1 Accounts for every day past Wed. 29 July it took the USA to get the release done and Tier 4B started.
The USA agreed to get the notifications out before or by Wed. 29 July. #NESARA#GESARA
The DoD, Trump and RV teams were working as fast as they could to get the RV/GCR out and Tier 4B started.
Trump did not want the interest cost of the USA delaying this past Wed. 29 July because they did not want GCR/RV release proceeds withheld from the funds allocated to the USA
The currencies of NK, Iran, Lebanon and Venezuela converted to the QFS, that set off the QFS to automatically replace the old SWIFT global financial system and the fiat US dollar to go to a gold/ asset-backed US Note (USN) for payouts and exchanges. #NESARA#GESARA
This gold-backed USN was now public knowledge, especially in banking circles.
The Global Financial Reset and changing of the banking system officially began on Fri 24 July midnight EDT and CMKX attorney Al Hodges was paid. #NESARA#GESARA
Behind the new Quantum Financial System was Blockchain: Bitcoin, Ethereum and Ripple – a digital currency, though there would still be cash, just not on the same level. #NESARA#GESARA
The Elders were in Brussels and waiting for the World Court ruling on Mon. 27 July.
The World Court ICC in Brussels recommended to the US that they start Tier 4b ASAP.
There were six generals who wanted to put this off until Aug. 5. #NESARA#GESARA
President Trump wanted the Safe Link websites to come out Sun. night 26 July so we could set appointments on Mon. 27 July. The six generals said no way. They were using the RV to pull the Cabal down. #NESARA#GESARA
The good thing about POTUS Trump was that he has been fighting every angle and every aspect to get Tier 4b released immediately because he wanted to be re-elected in Nov 2020. #NESARA#GESARA