But it completely ignores the reality of arranged marriages.
1/ 96% of Indian marriages are arranged within the same caste / community. There is some allusion to this in the show but its swept under the carpet. The caste system is in general a terrible idea.
2/ Dowry is very prevalent in arranged marriages.
4/ Honor killings -- also happen pretty frequently, if you disobey your family to pick a life partner all by yourself.
And very often, have had very little say in the matter.
6/ Its not uncommon for women getting married to have their identity wiped out.
Very prevalent in arranged marriages to explicitly demand a certain skin color. Which you can over-ride sometimes by paying a higher dowry.
a) complete loss of agency
b) physical and verbal abuse
c) becoming a servant to all the members of the household.
And women are expected to put up with it.
But there's overall lower incidence of the abusive elements of arranged marriages.