President Trump is showing lower approval ratings than most modern presidents. (Truman and Bush Sr. were lower). That's actually impressive considering the collapse of the economy, mishandled pandemic response and deaths along with destruction of…
Biden is leading but Trump leads rural voters by 17 points and whites without college degrees by 10 points. Undecided or third candidate is 10%. Lot's of room for movement before election.…
Portland business owners support the use of armed federal employees so Trump may also be gaining some traction with his urban reality show tour. They are protecting federal property not businesses.…
Most don't realize the three ring Trump circus that suckers the media is built on data combined with outrageous acts to measure shifts in undecided voters towards or away from a candidate. In other words, Trump is just fucking with us. The media are naive.…
You probably didn't see this but in the UK data has been directed to Dominic Cummings. Who uses the Brits as lab animals to come up campaign stunts and platform for Trump. Migrants fear, neo-nationalism, and overt racism were all cooked up in the UK.…
The similarity is that the 1% is manipulating the 99% by spoon feeding them hate. But that hate must be directed against outsiders not insiders who are robbing the and gaming the system. Inherited rich kid incompetent boob Trump is the enemy of America.…
Trump is literally creating violent street theater to stop voters from blaming him for the destruction of the economy, looting of our treasury, preventable deaths and his catastrophic foreign policy. It may work.…
Remember Trump has been selling Dystopia, even engaging foreign dictatorship to help create chaos and undermine democratic principals, building blocks and challenges to absolute authority. Trump is in it to win it. He doesn't give a shit about the rest.…
Some of Trump's visual scare tricks like the Wall are actually a disaster. Most of the "Wall" was a prebudgeted replacement repair allocation by with the minor extensions stolen from the military. But it's going to stop.…
Our foreign policy has been outsourced to creepy family member Jared who again outsourced that to terrified dictators and disgraced sycophants like Rudy and Prince backed up by Grumpy Trump randomly threatening and strong arming nations for personal gain.…
Shit Tweeter Trump has severely indebted and crippled this nation: killing thousands, bankrupting businesses, unemploying millions, reducing our prospects for the future and done the opposite of "Make America Great Again".…
There is no argument that Trump has failed on every level but the cautionary tale here is that humans can be manipulated. And Trump is doing exactly that. Donald is feeding America a shit sandwich and telling them how great it tastes. So never confuse perception with reality.
Humans are gullible, often eager to be fooled. Biden is going to be handed a shit sandwich that Trump made. Or Trump will remain. So there is no happy ending but America must end the deliberate deceit, incompetence, deliberate division and criminal acts.…
Trump is a deranged product of constant mental abuse in a cosseted environment. He just wants to be loved and we are blocking that by pointing out his mental limitations, moral turpitude and personal failings. Let's all chip in and put his spray tanned mug on Mt Rushmore.
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Donny had just been in Moscow in July and here he is in Septermber. In October he would buy full page ads crapping on NATO. Dude's a slumlord from Queens why did he care?
1975: Donny and his dad worked hard to keep colored people out of their buildings. Now he wants to evict the Palestinians from their homes in Gaza. He and Jared see the potential for that ocean front property. Who created the monster known as Trump?
Answer? The New York Times. New York was a shithole in the 70's full of hookers and junkies. They wanted to invent a hero. He and his father were pieces of racist shit that built govt subsidized slums but they pimped Donny? Why?…
So the good news. Trump never had a plan to help Ukraine. Not one bullet. Not one bandage. Not one dollar. Putin said nothing about peace. Not one inch of land. Not one promise or suggestion. Zelensky was asked to be part of a charade. But Donny played his hand too soon. #ETTD
The charade was an empty promise with the assumption that America would take part in exploiting Ukraine's resources based on 30 - 60-year Soviet guestimates. There is no accurate estimate of Ukraine's resources. American mining companies don't fight wars or even get insurance.
The good news is that Trump's incompetence has galvanized European leaders into realizing how weak and unfocused Trump is. China, Turkey, UAE, Israel, KSA and others see an opening. Trump is a coward who will not engage Russia. He is planning to pull troops from Europe as well.
Donald Trump is obsessed about finding and destroying evidence in the U.S. intel and legal system that links him and his family to financial, criminal and espionage crimes. That evidence resides safely in the hands of European and Gulf intelligence agencies. Keep shredding.
It's worth remembering that the UK first alerted our intel agencies about Donny's Russian links. Jared's secret slush funds from MBS beginning in 2017 were also hacked via his iPhone 7. It's why Donny has been going ape shit on the CIA and FBI since then.…
Jared and his family were deeply intertwined with Israeli right wing movements and players. So much so that Jared was denied a U.S. security clearance. He and his father were later co-opted by the UAE and Saudi governments. Again none of this is a secret.…
I investigated the Russian hacks, Clinton email scam, Weiner, Biden laptops and other GOP smear operations I can say they all start with "leaked" or stolen data, then false data is added. the media takes the bait. Expect fuckery with Elon's data cache.…
We now are seeing this: "USAID paid for (insert GOP enemy). USAID is directed by each President to carry out soft power programs. They are obsessed with condoms and media subscriptions. Comedy occurs.…
Does anyone remember the last time Elon Musk hired his goonies to do a fake audit?
Donald Trump is in the business of laundering money. Initially his father's money, then Russian/Israeli gangsters, then mob casinos then offshore hotels, then political grifts. Gaza will be his biggest gift ever.…
Jared is fronting Balkan area money sinks based on the Belgrade Waterfront and Istanbul Cruiseport models. State to State deals turned private mega projects that make no sense but pump UAE and Saudi money into regions that don't track how it comes out.…
Albania is estimated at $1.4B, Serbia is half a billion. Those are rookie numbers. Gotta pump them up. Gaza rebuild starts at $50 billion. Only problem. Jared and Donny got to get rid of those pesky land owners.…
There are 99 federal agencies, each with its own records and different database systems. Each of The government agencies stores data in data centers and with third-party providers. There are at least 306,524 datasets inside those databases.…
There are many, many separate sensitive, classified and secret databases and datasets. Some can be FOIA'd. Many datasets, like the census and databases, are public. You can download some here:…
The crown jewels would be sensitive databases like MIPR and SIPR (Secure] Internet Protocol Route created in 2005). A network of smaller databases for intel and military use. JWICS is a secure intranet system that can only accessed with clearance.…