this 🧵 by @daniela_witten is a masterclass in both the #SVD and in technical communication on Twitter.
i want to hop on this to expand on the "magic" of this decomposition and show folks where the rabbit goes, because i just gave a talk on it this week!
so what do these matrices do?
- Σ scales each entry of its input
- U takes low-dimensional inputs and "pads" them so they look like higher-dimensional things (r <= m)
this diagram "commutes", meaning that if any two paths start + end at the same nodes, the matrices for each path are equal
but what if i follow a path w more than one arrow, e.g. Σ then U? what's the matrix?
it's the matrix product, ΣU!
in fact, this is my preferred way to define the matrix product! much clearer motivation
instead, it's more like programming, where we manipulate and compose functions
see this talk for more!
- an "onto" function, aka surjection/epimorphism
- a "reversible" function, aka bijection/isomorphism
- a "one-to-one" function, aka injection/monomorphism
i like using emojis: ⤵, 🔀, and ⤴
but it does explain why the SVD exists for all matrices -- matrices are functions, and this decomp exists for all functions!
everywhere it appears, it sparks insight, connects multiple fundamental ideas, and relates seemingly distant concepts
you might even call it ... magic! 😈
check out her blog for more really great math explainers. eagerly awaiting her book on topology!
hella/hella, end of 🧵