I don't have a daughter. If I did, I'm damn sure I'd want her to be told about her #Breastdensity
Stop playing with women's lives, advise Ultrasound for those with #Densebreasts @IMT_latest @DonnellyStephen @alankellylabour

It missed mine!
If I had ever been told I had #Densebreasts I would have had a Breast Ultrasound every time. My Cancer would have been found earlier, node negative better prognosis
Breast Density is not palpable and (Mammographic) Breast Density can only be determined by Mammogram
We co-hosted the first ever Mammographic Breast Density Seminar in June 2019 with @BREAST_PREDICT
When and if a woman's Screening Mammogram determines that she has Dense Breasts, she is not told with her results. Isn't it really bizarre given that a Breast Cancer could be developing, undetected
Detect #BreastCancer as early as possible, even in #Densebreasts