And this is a "safe" county.
New Hampshire *cannot* contact-trace *1,000 to 4,000 cases weekly*.
But what if (to do the Trump agenda a solid) I pretended that *only* "confirmed" new cases exist? That'd still be 400 cases weekly.
1⃣ learn to collaborate by working in groups
2⃣ move about freely to different learning stations
3⃣ work with a variety of different media
4⃣ balance work and play with recess time
5⃣ learn community-building skills
1⃣ kids unable to leave their desks
2⃣ kids unable to work in groups
3⃣ kids unable to go to recess/the cafeteria
4⃣ kids unable to do learning requiring more space than a desk
Heck, probably not even 30 minutes.
Kids will wear their masks improperly, take them off, *certainly* violate social distancing repeatedly, not wash their hands, touch their get it.
There's no good option. All the options are staggeringly bad. All options will cause damage. The question is how do we cause the *least* damage, first and foremost to kids' health.
Ask *anyone* on a COVID-19 task force.