This is the 5th warning. This is the 89th warning. This is the 2nd warning. You await the final warning.
The voice speaks. The crowd raises their leaf blowers in anticipation. The gas comes. Unbudging, they disperse the gas west.
You are in line for food, the Feds push into the park. The crowd scatters. The line reforms, exactly as it was.
Any fence put up must be dismantled before sunrise. It is a sacred duty, holy work.
How can you be certain your friends have faces? How can you be certain you have a face, for that matter?
You're fairly positive you see your son's preschool teacher but you laugh the thought off.
You speak in 280 characters or less.
A zoomer calls you out of touch. Your heart swells with love. The kids are alright. The feral kids are even better.
Every street you turn down has an advancing line of riot cops. The city is a kettle.
The statues are afraid. The age of false idols is coming to an end. They tremble and await their fate. We see them for what they are and they are scared.
Scientists come from all over to study the flocking patterns of the free range Cascadian Antfia.
The Witches will protect you. The Witches. The Witches.
There is a Bureau with the gift of speech. We do not question it.
There are 5 more months of 2020. The next New Year isn't for another century. We are out of time. We are outside of time. We have run out of time.
We have always done this every night.
{Go on, add your own}
Even ghost peppers are flavorless after some time. Even in mobs.
No one outside of Portland knows what Portland is. The truth is too complicated.
Mom is on Signal!
You cut your finger chopping veggies at home. You yell for a medic. You feel foolish for a second but your blood has summoned one.
With growing horror you realize the barricades have all been taken away to make a bigger barricade far away.
It's not a cult, it's an affinity group. Totally different vibe.
Your encrypt your thoughts . Can't be too careful.