#ForOurChildren Most of us don’t even want to think about child sex slavery, much less talk about it. Actually engaging with child sex traffickers is far beyond what most of us could handle—yet someone has to do it. Somebody has to go undercover, infiltrate sex trafficking..
operations, and bring the monsters to justice. Someone has to rescue innocent children from suffering such a horrific and traumatic fate. One of those someones is Tim Ballard—scarymommy.com/operation-unde…
This vid speaks to a topic long held in my high♥️
Observing this inverted matrix destruction of respect&support, empowering strong masculine energy in society-escalating destruction of balance&harmony btwn male&female in relationship it’s devastating our core family foundation..
This is only part of a well-crafted &manufactured undermining, destabilization of healthy loVing partners-families-society creating physically-mentally ill men&women soon incapable of pro-creation as @elonmusk regularly posts. DIVINE loVe=our@answer🌟💜🌟
Death..a transfer station2another journey,
another dance in our Soul Evolution.
True Love~Transforming~Catalyzing2AHigher Plane,
A great gift from God 2know another soul as deep as our self. Here~It takes courage. Where we come from, it is as breathing💜
Not many here read threads..if you are here then nkow Spirit meant this msg for U thru me. True LoVe tests our Faith over&over. Step out of fear, Now.
they😇say, Receive God’s LoVe✨ then Be~GIVE~the loVeUSeek
In full measure✨💜
Spirit guides us where we’re most meant to go, to be
And with Faith we follow, tho we don’t know the why, in trust we flow. This day..she was led again to this beautiful couple, to a marriage founded in God’s loVe and Faith💜🌟😇