He's arrested, let me say
Appearing in court today
Someone who I was convinced had only the best intentions for his community at heart
A passion for his people, a love for his art
Someone I know, love and respect
That I now have to evaluate and inspect
While advocating for the nobler and the finer
Someone says they were continuously abused by him over time
Knowing him doesn't make this less a vile crime
Someone is asking believe the unbelievable
Someone is saying Me Too
About someone I think of as my broe
ABUSE shouldn't happen to YOU?
I don't know the circumstances or details around what this is about
REGARDLESS, we did demand that
With no condition, no fear
About what it is we might possibly hear
Or who identify, who shame
Who blame, who name
So that we're clear that this is not about who
But about what the accusation points to
No ifs, buts or ands
The accusation stands
As only something like this can be
And the focus is not on the man we presume
But all about him we've come to assume
And the accusation that all along
He was making himself guilty of something horribly wrong