On overcoming adversity 🧯
On product principles 🧒
And on building a distribution channel, brick by brick 🧱
A young carpenter named Ole Kirk Christianson leverages his love for woodworking and opens a carpentry business
He finds modest success, producing ladders & stools
But in 1924 an accidental fire burns his shop down
This financial risk turns into a disaster when the US stock market crashes in 1929, and a global recession ensues
Ole pivots his shop away from making expensive furniture
towards inexpensive Toys
In fact, Ole and his son Godtfred fall into bankruptcy
and also suffer personal loss as Ole's wife passes away in 1932
Christianson's family decide to bail him out financially
So that he can give his business one last shot
This is also the year that Ole passes away and Godtfred assumes control of LEGO Group
In 1960 the LEGO factory burns down (yes, again)
Production of wooden toys is discontinued, adding focus to their 'System of Play'
LEGO has moved from a product to a brand, and now a distribution channel
Over the next decade, LEGO signs licensing deals with:
Warner Bros
Lucas Films

It's an example of the power of sustained excellence, perseverance and focus over long time horizons
as a result of these efforts, LEGO has become synonymous with Play
Fun Facts: LEGO is the largest producer of wheels in the world
Any brick made after 1955 is compatible
There are over 400B LEGO bricks in the world
6 2x4 LEGOs can make 915M combinations
Manufacturing standards are so tight, only 18 bricks/yr fail inspection