There are 5 types A,B,C,D,E
A-is gotten from contaminated food/water
B-is gotten from blood, semen, vaginal secretion.
C-is gotten from the same route as B
D-same as B and C
E-from contaminated water/food
B can be responsible for liver cancer
B, C, D can lead to long term infections,
A and E are usually not long lasting.
There are vaccines now for types A and B, no vaccines yet for C, D and E
Vaccinate yourself against Hepatitis B and A, B requires 3 doses
Don't share toothbrushes
Practice safe sex
Wash your hands often
Wash food items properly
Don't share sharps eg clippers
Drink clean treated water from trusted sources
One third of the world's population have been infected with it, that's one out of 3 people.
It might lead to liver cancer if left untreated
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