The Western Link Road will reduce journey times significantly ⏲️🚫
Are 3.5 minutes worth the environmental cost?

Local villages will stop being disturbed by traffic 🚫
An increase in traffic noise is predicted for most residents #StopTheWensumLink
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A link road is the only solution to local traffic problem🚫
We need to be investing in sustainable & accessible public transport & cycle paths 🚌🚆🚲
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A link road will create jobs & economic growth🚫
Studies of recent road building schemes in the UK showed most produced no economic benefit.
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NCC's own data predicts significant traffic increases as the road will produce sprawling development & more car use. This means increased carbon emissions #StopTheWensumLink

Increasing traffic is ok because everyone will be driving electric cars in the future 🚫
It is still more than ten years before new petrol and diesel cars will be banned.

Bat habitats are close to any route
Construction will destroy an area 2-3x wider than the road
The river is a rare chalk stream habitat
The local environment will be impacted 👉

Impact on habitat can be mitigated e.g. by planting trees elsewhere 🚫
If you care about preserving Norfolk's woodland & wildlife you can't pretend it can just be replanted somewhere more convenient 🍃
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The most damaging myth of all:
The road is inevitable, so it's not worth fighting to stop it 🚫
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