1- He decimated the pandemic response network worldwide
2- He knew about Covid in November
3- He wasted 2 months, let Jared make the decisions, not Fauci. vanityfair.com/news/2020/04/d…
6- He touted, and still touts, hydroxy cl as the solution to prevent and cure c-19
7- He sent armed militia to democratic statehouses to force them to open up, citing 2nd amendment threats.
9- Creating an army 75,000 strong (contractors) in the DHS to invade only democratic states, uninvited, with
10- Lying about literally everything to the point nobody trusts what he says, ever.
11- Discrediting mail in voting as massively corrupt,
12 - Interfering in legal cases, changing sentences, commuting felons, firing oversight IG positions, firing whistleblowers, accepting foreign money
13- Ignoring the rule of law and annulling the power of Congress to impeach a president
14- dropping certain cases and concealing other cases affecting the president, delaying cases for years that could affect the impeachment process.
15- Totally stonewalling
16 - concealing spending at Trump properties, refusing to show his taxes, controlling almost a trillion dollars in relief funds without oversight.
All this! Can we even think about trusting him with an election? No. You. Can't. Adam Schiff said it best in a speech in the Senate: "You CANNOT trust this man! You just CAN'T!" threadreaderapp.com/thread/1281724…