Don't lie. You absolutely would if @gartner_inc put out a Cliff Jumping Magic Quadrant.
Roughly $40 of that is apparently spent on public speaker training.
My latest Lambda function took me three minutes to build because I'm bad at programming and don't know what tests are.
With their recent roadmap adjustments and the rise of Arm, I understand it far less, now. "Intel Inside" has taken on a darker implication...
But you don't get to bill people extortionately and then expect them to only say nice things about you.
When's the last time SQS failed you?
You'd think @awscloud had kicked my dog while mispronouncing AMI the way I carry on...
But first I have to introduce that person to other @awscloud employees instead.
I only ask because it seems some service teams remain unaware of this.
But you'll get yelled at for not following their newer best practices guidance when you get back.
So far nobody has, and my book on Systems Manager API Manager goes up for preorder next week.
So far all we've got is "it taught us people like to drink coffee in the morning," "helping the feds commit atrocities," and "bias laundering."
No snark in this tweet. Freaking do it already!
The pictures they posted have scary enough explosive warnings that a failure mode might outshine us-east-1.
Just imagine for a second what that Magic Quadrant would have looked like.
"This version of Node is no longer supported" and suddenly I felt ancient.
Why don't YOU? I'd sign up.
That sounds SUPER sketchy unless I call it a certification.
I'd always thought you were exiled to that team if you were on a PIP or something...
Cloud vendor news coverage is less exciting than tax forms.
You'd really, really think there would be a middle ground somewhere, but there isn't.
If you're having trouble keeping up, it's not just you. I built a 29 Lambda function monstrosity to do it.
Meanwhile Azure pivoted to telling stories well on video.
Because that's the confusing part about AWS services.
Then approve my request for 4.3 billion concurrent functions so I can portscan the entire ipv4 internet at once, you cowards.
Their response will tell you a lot about how suited they are to servicing enterprise customers.
Go build. The world's your oyster.
It's not enough to just ask; you've gotta ask the right questions, and then you've gotta listen, as the GM of AWS Foster Horse can now attest.
If you're spending $10 million a month on EC2, you're probably serving customers at a global scale.
If you're spending $10 million a month on DeepRacer, you're probably touched in the head.
Unless you call it CI/CD.
New hotness: figuring out whether that 4 petabyte S3 bucket is load bearing.
2020: Raising a Series C from SoftBank to pay your multi-cloud bill.
"That's easy. The hard part is building a corporate culture where his mouth doesn't get him fired by lunchtime."
Not all indignities are massive; sometimes it's the small things.
It seems that maybe I shouldn't need the equivalent of an associates degree in their offerings to launch the first version of
Now we're seeing CloudFormation, SAM, and the CDK starting to take out attack ads against one another.
They track their engineering headcount super well, though.
They work at the @CloudNativeFdn now.
I didn't.
"Hah, I don't think you could--wait. Why are you asking?" You could hear the exact instant where they remembered to whom they were speaking.
You can ignore a polite email from me; let's see if you can ignore a $6 million Surprise Bill.