🟪 FL (Jacksonville)
🟪 MI (Detroit)
🟪 PA (Philadelphia)
🟪 MO (KC)
🟪 OH (Cleveland)
🟪 WI (Milwaukee)
I hope you'll read on and retweet.
1⃣ He's exclusively targeting cities run by Democrats.
2⃣ His actions aim to embarrass the Democratic Party.
3⃣ His deployments are intended to dovetail with his anti-crime campaign rhetoric, which focuses on Democrats alleged inability to control crime.
...one. Just one.
...which isn't a battleground state.
But this is merely a *redeployment* to battleground states.
1⃣ Why did he announce Operation Legend at the same time Trump pivoted to an anti-crime message—if Operation Relentless Pursuit was already extant and with the same aim?
2⃣ Why does he now claim Relentless Pursuit did *nothing* in 3 months?
Trump himself has made clear that they are about politically framing his Democratic opponent and his party. Barr has already lied about them.
But the presence of "Legend" in a city can lead to mass protests—and PACT.
As *all of this is a campaign commercial*.
1⃣ Research the *actual crime rates* in these cities.
2⃣ Demand data on the *effectiveness* of Trump's actions.
3⃣ Map *where* federal agents deploy nationally.
4⃣ Map where agents appear *within* cities.
5⃣ Cover local and state *legal pushback*.
6⃣ Do *not* frame these actions are necessary, warranted, or just—indeed, do not frame these actions as anything but a "campaign stunt"—unless and until we have hard data on *why* certain cities are being targeted and the *utility* of these actions.
1️⃣ Violent crime is decreasing.
2️⃣ Trump will also enter the battleground state of New Mexico.
3️⃣ The Trump camp won't provide accurate data to substantiate its moves.
4️⃣ All this "dovetails with Trump's election-year rhetoric." politico.com/news/2020/07/2…