...too can teach us a lesson or two.
Some concluding thoughts. You might have come across the following quote "Do not prepare the road for the children; prepare the children for the road", it is credited to Tim Elmore. Here's his original quote.
Regrettably, so many have drowned in depression as a result of one rough moment after another in their lives and that led to them losing control and giving up too early as they give in to commiting suicide. Very sad.
There's no better way to end this [thread] than to call you to act. I enjoin you to start developing yourself today, seek new opportunities to be a better version of yourself and know that nothing will change, until we ourselves change.
For those who are parents, make it a habit to expose your child(ren) to other areas of life than academics. They should adore manual work (never use work as a form
So, in the end,
Look at the eagles or the ants, listen to the birds as they chirps and the
So, "whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men..." "whatever is true, whatever is honourable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence,
The End.
thank you for your time.